Things to Do Before You Start First Year University
By Payton Schuck Note from Paula – My daughter Payton starts university in September. First Year University! Let me first of all say, we are so proud of Payton and can’t wait for her to start, but also it seems like it was yesterday when I was dropping her off for her first day of kindergarten and here we are almost starting university. She graduated from high school and has been accepted at her top three choices. Two of those are in town and her top choice came through first, so that was exciting to see. Her face lit up that day when she got the first acceptance email and…
Is Your RESP Protected by Deposit Insurance?
The cost of post-secondary education in Canada continues to climb. Chances are good you already know this. In fact, I know many of you have been saving or putting money away into a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for years. And, you are not alone. Many parents and grandparents are trying to save as much as they can in an RESP so that kids and grandkids can continue their education after high school without the burden of student loans. RESPs are a great savings tool. There are federal government grants that can help top up your funds and that can help you maximize your contributions. But have you ever given…
Ten Cutest Gifts for Dads and Grads #LoveHallmarkCA #giveaways
It’s June already and that means chaos. I’m not overstating that one little bit. If you are a parent then you know June is gorgeous and it heralds summer and Father’s Day and graduation. But June you saucy little month you…you also bring a million other things that toss life into complete disarray. You are my Love/Hate month. I know I’m not alone. June is madness. So here’s a little help. PREPARE NOW for the gifting season with these recommendations for Dad and Grad gifts. June is beautiful weather and winding down for summer at school. It is paying for and sometimes attending the field trips with kids despite an…
Dads and Grads Gifts from Hallmark #HallmarkCA #Giveaway
The school year is winding down and many students are getting ready for graduation. My oldest daughter is finishing grade eight and graduating to high school. That is a very big deal around here. Next year she’s off to high school and that marks a dramatic change. Luckily Hallmark has everything you need to help celebrate your graduate’s accomplishment. There are several unique gifts for graduates, and some fun gifts for Dads too. Don’t forget about Father’s Day, which is right around the corner on Sunday, June 21st. Gifts for Graduates: This year the Autograph Graduation Bear has my eye. We have plans for this one. The Autograph Graduation…
Graduation Trip Safety – Tips to Save Your Sanity
Graduation Trip Safety – Tips to Save Your Sanity Your child is going on a graduation trip without you! AAAAHHH! Of course, you’re going to be nervous, but there are a few ways you can increase the safety factor and feel better about your child being out in the world without you. A Graduation Trip Doesn’t Have to Make Your Hair Fall Out You don’t want to be a nervous wreck while your child is off in the great big world on their graduation trip. You want to feel good about your child having a great time. You don’t want to be eaten alive with fear! Cell Phone If for…
Graduation Trip Ideas for Your 8th Grader
Great Graduation Trip Ideas for 8th Graders Your 8th grader is gearing up for his or her graduation, and that means you might be thinking about a graduation trip to celebrate. You might be wondering about the best things to do for a graduation trip. Here are a few ideas that I think are great. Some are extravagant, but graduations trips don’t have to be over the top. Know your budget before you travel. Graduation Trip Ideas Your 8th Grader Will Love There are a lot of different ways you can approach a graduation trip, and none of them are wrong. It’s really all about your child having a great…
2015 Fashion Trends for Prom Dresses
2015 Fashion Trends for Prom and Graduation Dresses Prom season is here, and it’s time to get those dresses! Chances are you’ve already started looking for a prom dress, but if you haven’t let’s take a look at the 2015 fashion trends for prom dresses. Hopefully this might help guide some of your shopping process. 2015 Fashion Trends – Sleek, Sassy, and Surreal This year, sequins are either out completely, or used for just a splash of sass. Gone are the days of heavily sequinned and beaded sparkle gowns. Instead, the 2015 fashion trends of the prom world are sleek, sassy, and surreal. Sleek One of the three main themes…
Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem
Updated – one of my kids is starting university in September so when this sweet junior kindergarten graduation poem popped up in my memories this morning, I almost cried with how sweet this memory is. Also, seems like maybe five years ago and it’s been almost 12 years!! This Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem came inside the booklet that my daughter’s teacher helped her prepare this year cataloguing all of her Junior Kindergarten achievements. Kindergarten Graduation is Special Kindergarten graduation is a special and emotional time for MOMs and DADS too. This year we are extending our daughter’s school at the private preschool where she started when she was 2 1/2.…