Do These Things Now If You Have a Child With Special Needs Starting School
Is your child with special needs starting school in September? Then you need to do a few things now. I wrote this a few years ago, but it’s still extremely relevant, especially as we start to prepare for a new school year. Right now is the time to register your child. If you have a child with special needs starting school in September then you need to run, not walk, to the school right now. Do not wait. It is vital that schools know who is coming and when. And if your child, or children, have special needs, even more important that they have a chance to plug in educational…
Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem
Updated – one of my kids is starting university in September so when this sweet junior kindergarten graduation poem popped up in my memories this morning, I almost cried with how sweet this memory is. Also, seems like maybe five years ago and it’s been almost 12 years!! This Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem came inside the booklet that my daughter’s teacher helped her prepare this year cataloguing all of her Junior Kindergarten achievements. Kindergarten Graduation is Special Kindergarten graduation is a special and emotional time for MOMs and DADS too. This year we are extending our daughter’s school at the private preschool where she started when she was 2 1/2.…