How Did Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor Help Me Tackle High Blood Pressure
In September of 2014 I had my first high blood pressure reading ever. It was frightening and frustrating too. So I set about fixing it. I worked out more, I went gluten free. I added more exercise. I banished salt, ate differently, walked more..and I did all that consistently for two years and still nothing much changed. My blood pressure went up and down. But sometimes it was as high as 150 over 92. About two months ago a Withings wireless blood pressure monitor arrived. And that’s when things finally turned around for the better.
Before Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor:
Month after month I used to check my blood pressure at the kiosks set up in various pharmacies. Often it was the middle of the day, or as I was literally fielding a phone call from the kid’s school. One time one of the kids was calling begging to come home and I literally had the cuff around my arm. That reading did not go well. Talk about high blood pressure! You are supposed to remain calm and still and quiet when taking your blood pressure.
There were times I raced over to the Rexall pharmacy near my house right after a solid workout, or a yoga class. I assumed yoga would lower my blood pressure. It did not. And so I would return every few months to my doctor and he would do a reading because I reminded him to, and it was sky high. He was never that worried. We will monitor it, he said. Take your blood pressure regularly, he said. And I did. That last visit, I asked him about medication because I know my mother and one of my uncles both had to take blood pressure medicine. My doctor warned me that was not the route he wanted to take. “Once you are on blood pressure medicine you are on it for life,” he said.
I am a Mom. I am also a person with a complex health history. As a teen, just entering grade nine I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, an incurable inflammatory bowel disorder also thought to be an autoimmune disorder. At times I have been very ill with that and hospitalized repeatedly. I have been much better since having children. I tell you this because I know what it’s like to have a body that doesn’t work the way you want it to all the time. It’s brutally infuriating. Anyways, when my Crohn’s Disease was very active and acute my blood pressure was so low that I was prone to anemia and feeling faint. So really I had a history of low blood pressure right up until 2014 when some sort of switch flipped and it was high over and over and over. But my doctor was insistent, no medication. He advised me to get a home blood pressure monitor. I had no luck finding one until the Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor arrived for use at home.
Up until then, I was stymied. I worked out. I lost five pounds. My blood pressure came down ONE TIME when I had a reading at Rexall last year. I posted how giddy I was after that and shared the print out to Instagram and someone kindly advised me the machine was wrong and I should still worry about high blood pressure. That was not helpful.
The Withings wireless blood pressure monitor arrived and I set it up. It connects super simply with your iPhone and iPod. The instructions are easy to follow. Download the Withings Health Mate app, turn on the Withings Blood Pressure Monitor (there’s a silver cylinder that rests near inner arm when the cuff is wrapped and ready to go. The button is there.) Make sure that your Bluetooth connects to the blood pressure monitor and then follow the instructions.
The Withings Health Mate app will also track your steps each day and store information, such as what your last reading was so you can get an idea over time of whether your blood pressure is coming down or going up.
The Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor will tell you the best times to take a blood pressure reading. First thing in the morning and last thing at night. It reminds you to stay still with feet on the floor and arm resting on a surface so that it is close to your heart.
I can’t even tell you how thrilled I was to see my first NORMAL blood pressure reading. The thing is first thing in the morning before I eat and have coffee and put out a million fires at work, then my blood pressure is Normal. At night, right before bed, it is good too. The entire process will take maybe five minutes out of your day.
- The Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor is medically approved and also monitors heart rate.
- It has received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA and is compliant with European medical device regulations. It is also medically approved in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
A few words about the packaging of the Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor package. The packaging is brilliant. It’s a sturdy folding green and white box that acts as a storage unit or a makeshift case for the monitor.Â
The Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor was exactly what I needed. My doctor was right that I should get a home blood pressure monitor. His theory was also that everyone’s blood pressure rises just by virtue of being at the doctor’s office. I guess that was clearly true in my case. I almost always had to race from work with kids in tow when running to the doctor’s office, so I was pretty much already always stressed when I got there. Then, in addition to that, I would get more frustrated and stressed out being there because I had a feeling the readings would be high each time. That was a ridiculous cycle that couldn’t be broken.
Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor:
— American Medical Group Association
Oh and I almost forgot one of the best parts about this gadget also is the fact that the app with store your data in the cloud and then you can download it and share it easily with any digitally connected doctor. In fact your doctor doesn’t really even need to be digitally connected because you can just show him or her your data on your app.
I received a Withings Wireless Blood Pressure monitor and occasionally work with Withings. My opinion is all my own and this post is 100 % truthful and based on my extremely positive experience with this product. The Withings Wireless Home Blood Pressure Monitor is an example of technology being used to make your life and health better. That is my favourite application for wireless gadgets. You can buy these Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitors at Best Buy, Amazon and in the Apple Store too. These retail for $129.95 US and they are more than worth it!
The Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor gets my highest rating of $$$$$ out of $$$$$. In fact I’d like to give it higher because it’s that good. I think it just destroyed my rating system. Get one for a relative who has high blood pressure. Get one for yourself. Use it and take charge. I am including an Amazon affiliate link here in event anyone wants to buy one from Amazon right now:

This is very interesting to me. I have not been feeling the greatest and have had my blood pressure reading quite high lately. I am going to talk to my Dr about this for me. Thanks
This looks so cool. We need to monitor my mom’s blood pressure regularly. I want to get this for her.
paula schuck
You should get it. The cost is totally worth it and it’s easy to use on your iPhone.
Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom)
My husband has to watch his blood pressure. I really need to get one of the blood pressure cuffs.
paula schuck
Heather – well it’s certainly nothing to play around with, right? High blood pressure can lead to so many serious outcomes that I really value this tool as a means of keeping on top of my health.
Lady Lilith
This is a great idea to have at home. I would so use it after my at home workouts.
Kelly Hutchinson
This is something my husband really needs. His blood pressure had been through the roof lately.
Seattle Travel Blogger
This looks like a good product.
Also, I thought the story with your kids calling and screaming at you while you were at the pharmacy getting your blood pressure measured was hysterical!
This is something that I think I need to get for my husband. He has a terrible history of high blood pressure and is always checking it when we go to the pharmacy or grocers with machines. This would be so much more convenient for him!
Annemarie LeBlanc
I have to get this for my hubby. He has a congenital bi-cuspid aortic valve and there are times that his blood pressure fluctuates. We are currently using a different brand, but I think this one is better. Thanks for the review.
Liz Mays
I tend to run a bit high, so I really should monitor it. It seems like this is a really good one!
Dawn McAlexander
That seems like something we need in this house. I have had high blood pressure almost my entire life.
I can see how being at the dr to get it checked could make it rise. I like the idea of having one at home.
Sounds like a great tool. I am amazed how much we can do and monitor with our phones help!!
Wanda Tracey
Wow! This monitor is impressive and I enjoyed your great review to learn of it.
I must check it out for myself.Thank you.
Kathy L
Thank you for your thorough review. I’ve been considering buying a home blood pressure monitor, and I’d never heard of this one, so now I will definitely consider this one.
Joni W
Wow. That’s an amazing tool
Judy Cowan
Looks neat, definitely something that I would be interested into looking into further. Mind you my problem is that my blood pressure falls too low and everything ends up going black on me.
Debbie White Beattie
I’m the opposite my blood pressure is low but it still needs to be checked and this cuff would be perfect
Silvia D
thank you for a detailed informative review! I am diabetic and high blood pressure..I will seriously look into this, seems like would be beneficial to me!
Darlene Schuller
I think monitoring your blood pressure once it’s been diagnosed as ‘high’ is critical. My blood pressure on the other hand is on the other end of the spectrum, low, very low.. I have frequent dizzy spells. My dr has been monitoring it but to be able to monitor from home would be much more convenient and comforting.
Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard
Great review and awesome product. No one in our house has high blood pressure (yet) but I can see where this would come in real handy.
Joanne Frank
MY HUSBAND has high blood pressure and they have no idea why ughh frustraiting
Carol Yemola
Looks like an awesome little machine!
Jackie M
This would be great for my father-in-law to keep his blood pressure in check!
Carole Dube
We have a blood pressure monitor and we like it a lot! This one looks a lot nicer though!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I think the Withings Blood Pressure Monitor is a wonderful addition to have at hand in the home. A lot of people seem to struggle with high blood pressure these days. I’m lucky, I’ve only ever had a problem once and wouldn’t you know it, it was when I went to a Dr for my medical evaluation for emigrating. I guess the worry of us all passing this vital medical drove it up as it’s never been a problem otherwise.
Margarita Ibbott (@DownshiftingPRO)
I’m so glad you got one of these… you worry me sometimes. That is an awesome little tool to have.
Lynda Cook
This one would be great to have, the one I have now id big and I have to make sure I am sitting right beside it, having high blood pressure sucks, but keeping an eye on it and eating healthy and exercising are all steps to stay healthy!!
This looks like a great little device. It’s great to see how it helped you.
I love the design of this monitor! We have a wireless monitor, but it certainly not as pretty,
Taking you blood pressure at home is preferable as you need to be relaxed for a good reading, which no one is in a store or doctors office. That is a great looking monitor too.
What a great device.
Cool product
heidi c.
I would like to have one at home for monitoring my hubby’s blood pressure.
CL Chin
If i had high blood pressure I would consider getting one but I like that you can check for free at most pharmacies.
Looks great and my old one needs to be replaced
Aimee Geroux
Thanks for sharing, I have a few family members with high blood pressure that I will be sharing this with!
This sounds like a wonderful tool to have at home! My blood pressure really isn’t something I have given a ton of thought TO; but really should as I age
My boyfriend has high blood pleasure. This would be such a handy tool for him to have at home. I’ve sent him the link to check out your post!
kristen visser
wow this is absolutely amazing. i had no idea there was anything like this. my grand parents could really use this!
Cathleen @ A Taste Of Madness
My boyfriend’s brother has been looking into devices to monitor his blood pressure. I think i might suggest he look into this!
Judy Cowan
This would be great for my friend who is dealing with Blood Pressure issues, will have to tell her about it.
Debbie White Beattie
I’ve used a wireless blood pressure cuf for years and they are definitely the way to go if you need them. At home I can check it without any thought push the button and your done.
Karla Sceviour
This looks like a handy great thing to have around your home!
Sounds like a product I could use! I have bouts of high blood pressure from stress