JBuds Air Wireless Earbuds – Under $100
Post sponsored by Best Buy which means I received compensation. The JBuds Air family of wireless earbuds from JLab Audio is designed with real life in mind. This company knows that most people need earbuds that are both excellent quality and affordable. The JBuds family of wireless earbuds delivers quality sound and great fit without hitting your wallet like a freight train, which makes them the perfect option, and you can find them right now at Best Buy. JBuds Air is Made for Life As a traveler and sports and fitness enthusiast, I need great earbuds. These are excellent for sports enthusiasts and on-the-go people like me. We travel as…
Bezalel’s Futura X – A Wireless Charging Pad to Make Life Easier #TakeCharge
Bezalel’s Futura X is an ultra thin wireless charging pad that’s also sexy. That’s right. It’s got a drop dead gorgeous sleek design combined with great performance. This wireless charging pad is ideal for those of us who never seem to have charging cords or chargers, and isn’t that pretty much all of us? Don’t try to deny it. You know they are never handy when you want them. Bezalel’s Futura X resolves that problem while looking good. Futura X – Making Charging Sexy I’ve been eyeing up charging pads forever, so when I found Bezalel’s products on line a couple of months ago I was smitten. Not only does Bezalel make…
How Did Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor Help Me Tackle High Blood Pressure
In September of 2014 I had my first high blood pressure reading ever. It was frightening and frustrating too. So I set about fixing it. I worked out more, I went gluten free. I added more exercise. I banished salt, ate differently, walked more..and I did all that consistently for two years and still nothing much changed. My blood pressure went up and down. But sometimes it was as high as 150 over 92. About two months ago a Withings wireless blood pressure monitor arrived. And that’s when things finally turned around for the better. Before Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor: Month after month I used to check my blood…
Aftershokz Bluez 2S WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD #Giveaway #BeOpen
Aftershokz Bluez 2S arrived here two days ago and I’ve barely taken them off. Truth. They rock my world and are changing the way I work, the way I work out, and walk, and do even the most tedious every day tasks. They are my Go To Headphones and they are truly unique, sturdier than you might ever imagine and honestly pretty stylish too. Wireless tech is nailing it this year. And that makes me happy. I have a wireless blood pressure monitor that I am using currently and it’s also making me healthier so Here’s to wireless gadgets that add value to my day and my health. BRING them on.…