It’s Time for the March Edition of That’s So Random Funny Comments
OH MY GOODNESS where did March go? No idea. Anyways, here we go again. As you may know if you frequent this blog often I like to occasionally take stock and filter through my spam comments to see if any legitimate comments from you lovely readers got trapped in there. I do that once a month at least. Today I found three legitimate blog comments that are not spam so I approved them. YIPEE! See that’s like a little bit of gold hidden in the bottom of your old purse…the one with the lint and old gum. And the others, well, you be the judge here – are some of these spammy blog comments relevant or just plain laughable?
IT’s That Time of the Month again. Spammy Funny Comments time…why, what did you think I was talking about?
- I haven’t checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend. (BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT MUCH?)
- I am yours. (WHAT? WAS THAT A BOOTY CALL? Nope. NA_GA. NA …Gonna Happen…Just saying…Definitely not. Occasionally if you read my blog you might actually know that I am married with children. DUDE this is not 1-800-dial a blogger hookup service.)
- Do You have a good sense of humour? (No. Definitely No.)
- Hello beloved…(YAWN…every other spam email comment starts exactly the same and really nobody has ever called me beloved so STOP. RIGHT. THERE.)
- Why don’t we give this a try? (Give what a try? What are you referring to? What is THIS??? ARGH. I give up.)
- What a great article! It seems like that you’re very focused on your writing, which is a refreshing change of pace. I bet your content will soon get picked up by a major syndicate. I wish you well, and thank you again for taking the time to write this! (REALLLLYYYYYY?? SQUEALS and SCREAMS LIKE A 12-year-old girl at a ONE Direction Concert!!!! I can hardly wait! I am almost famous, or is that Internet Famous?)
- It’s my way or the highway. (I PICK HIGHWAY. Just saying.)
- With today’s technology, flower photos are doping up all over. Funerals, commemorations, weddings, birthdays, whatever function as the event or area besides, a web based flower vendor will discover how to suit every one of the fundamental prerequisites. (HABA WAH? Even flower photos are doing drugs? But how? I IS CONFUSED. Yes the bad grammar is intentional here because I am a little bit dumber after reading your comment. BUT THANKS ANYWAYS.)
- Actually the Schuck family are all Smugglers. This winter, we fell head over heels for Smugglers’ Notch , America’s Family Resort, Vermont, and are craving a return visit as soon as possible. Where did you get this information? (WAIT, ARE YOU QUOTING ME BACK AT ME? UM, okay. ALSO IT IS A POST. A Travel POST ACTUALLY, WHICH MEANS I WENT THERE, AND DID SEVERAL THINGS THAT WERE AWESOME AND TRIED TO WRITE ABOUT THAT HERE. DO NOT Cut and PASTE MY words again. THANK YOU. PAULA, OUT.
DO YOU Blog? Do You Get CRAZED Random Spam Comments too?