What to Expect When You’re Turning 50
Turning 50 is a huge milestone birthday. These days it seems like a lot of my friends are turning 50, or getting close. I’m not far off from 50 myself, and this year I have started recognizing this means physical changes. Nothing surprised me so much as when my metabolism changed dramatically at 40. So, since I’m interested in what’s going to start happening to me and what I should do, I figure a lot of other soon-to-be-50 ladies will be interested, as well. What to Expect When You’re Expecting the Big 5-Oh As women age, we experience changes in our bodies. These changes can lead to everything from a…
How to Plan for an Early Retirement
Rather than waiting to turn 65 many people are planning for early retirement by making smart financial decisions early in life. The key to early retirement is knowing that you have enough money to live on, and set aside for emergencies once you retire. How to Plan for an Early Retirement Save, save, save! That might sound simple but it’s truly the first step. Not only do you need to save money, you need to make sure that your savings are in high interest accounts, or GICs, and RRSPs. Stashing cash in your mattress only gives you the money that you stash. But placing every extra penny into interest bearing…
Stay Fit for Your Fabulous Forties and Beyond #LBL
It’s important to stay fit at any age. It’s even more important for us women after we hit our 40s. After 40, our metabolisms can begin to slow, our ability to burn fat can slow, and we lose more bone mass. Sometimes conditions like LBL (light bladder leakage) can keep you from feeling as if you want to tackle anything physical. But when we make an effort to stay fit as we age, we improve our physical, mental and overall health. Stay Fit – 5 Easy Ways to Keep Yourself in Better Health Staying fit doesn’t mean you have to commit to being a full on gym rat every…
Worry Free Summer Road Trips with LBL #travel #ad
If you have any sort of digestive or bladder issue, from IBD, inflammatory bowel disease, to LBL, light bladder leakage, you know about worrying. You know about sitting vacations and family events out because you are worried your stomach, or your bladder will act up. You might even have given up on things like road trips. Some days everything feels like a battle. Whether you’re headed to work, or heading out on the road, LBL is always in the back of any woman’s mind who suffers from it. And it’s not just that. These types of issues can make travel difficult. But summer is right around the corner and road…
How Did Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor Help Me Tackle High Blood Pressure
In September of 2014 I had my first high blood pressure reading ever. It was frightening and frustrating too. So I set about fixing it. I worked out more, I went gluten free. I added more exercise. I banished salt, ate differently, walked more..and I did all that consistently for two years and still nothing much changed. My blood pressure went up and down. But sometimes it was as high as 150 over 92. About two months ago a Withings wireless blood pressure monitor arrived. And that’s when things finally turned around for the better. Before Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor: Month after month I used to check my blood…
Five Easy Natural Ways to Tackle Hot Flashes #Health
Menopause changes everything. But it doesn’t have to be horrid. Menopause generally occurs between the ages of 40-50 years old and it is basically a big hormone shift that causes all sorts of side effects including hot flashes. I remember my Mom and her friends talking about hot flashes. They sounded bizarre to a kid at the time, and now it’s my friends talking hot flashes. Hot flashes are basically just an episode of when you get really hot and begin sweating profusely, they come out of nowhere and they can feel awful! Sometimes these hot flashes last for just a couple minutes but they can even last for an hour or…
Five Winter Fashion Trends to Embrace – Looking Fabulous Even With Bladder Problems #LBL #ad
I’ve been discussing LBL and various facets of it for a few articles now. This is part 3, the final portion of a series about light bladder leakage, a medical issue that impacts far too many women. In the first post about LBL I talked about travel strategies for women with LBL and ways to embrace travelling with support and a few easy travel tips. In November I talked to author and positive living expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman about ways to discuss LBL with a loved one. Today I’m tackling fashion because it’s the season to get dressed up and 2016 is your year so don’t hide, own your style! The good…
Light Bladder Leakage – Q and A with Positive Living Expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman #LBL #Health #ad
This is the second in a series of posts about light bladder leakage and the impact it has on women’s health physically and psychologically. This month I interviewed positive aging expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of The Best of Everything After 50 : The Experts’ Guide To Style, Sex, Health, Money and More. 1. What kind of psychological impact does Light Bladder Leakage have on a woman? LBL can affect women in many aspects of their lives, making them feel as though they are ruled by their bladder leaks. Over half of Canadian women under the age of 55 experience some level of anxiety as a result, one third said they wouldn’t travel, and…
High Blood Pressure Facts You Need to Know
Last year right around the time I left for a big trip with World Vision Canada I got a high blood pressure reading. It was the first time ever and I figured it was a one off. Away I went on the amazing trip, and when I returned, I had another reading done a few months later. Still, it was high. Fast forward two months after that high blood pressure reading. As I often do, I tackled the issue with diet and exercise and it came down a bit. I thought I was managing beautifully. But tackling this health issue was harder than I ever imagined and so I set…
Part 1: Seven Facts About Egg Freezing
This past month several technology companies made significant announcements about egg freezing and fertility treatments. Apple and Facebook policies have created a lot of buzz in the fertility and infertility world. In this day and age when 1 in 6 face infertility, egg freezing facts should be part of your conversation with a doctor. First Modern Family star Sophia Vergara disclosed her intention to freeze her eggs. Then massive high tech companies like Apple and Facebook said they would chip in to help cover the cost of egg freezing, a procedure that provides a means of preserving a woman’s fertility. Technology Companies Driving Fertility Conversation Apple and Facebook recently both declared they would cover…