IVF Math in Alberta – How Does IVF Funding in Alberta Save Money? #abhc4ivf #abpoli
IVF Math really isn’t that complicated. Areas of the world that fund in vitro fertilization, with a stipulation of single embryo transfer, save money. The above IVF funding in Alberta infographic breaks it down. In 2013 the Government of Alberta commissioned a report done by the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health to review the province’s approach to IVF. That report indicated the province could save as much as $179 million over the course of 18 years if single embryo transfer were publicly funded and IVF regulated.
Alberta, like much of the rest of the country, is forced to make some serious smart economic decisions for the future. A new government this year under the NDP party headed by Rachel Notley is currently undergoing pre-budget consultations. SO, the time is right for advocates to speak up, tell their stories and help politicians understand IVF math. If IVF were tied to single embryo transfer, savings of up to $179 million could be realized over the first 18 years of life. Shortly after 18 the child starts to contribute to the economy as a taxpayer.
Why does SET ( single embryo transfer) and IVF funding make sense? Because when couples are forced to take on three jobs, or take out a bank loan to pay for IVF, they tend to take more risks transferring multiple embryos. Multiples come with higher risk of health complications to Mom and baby. In the end they cost much more to the health care system.
[tweetthis]Alberta can’t afford the status quo. IVF funding is necessary to save health care dollars #abhc4ivf #abpoli [/tweetthis]
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Ontario is currently building an IVF funding program expected to be ready to announce any time now. It was promised for 2015 and the Ontario government is making good on that promise. Right now, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick all have a commitment to fund, or a funding program of some sort in place to help infertility patients access vital health care treatment to help them conceive. In Manitoba that’s a tax credit. In New Brunswick it’s a grant.
It’s time Alberta had an IVF funding program too. It makes economic sense. Alberta can’t afford the status quo.
I am community manager for Generations of Hope and as such I am compensated. My opinion is all my own and it is truthful.
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
I think any woman who wants a baby should be able to get treatments and help if she can’t do it on her own!
sara schwab
This is a very nice blog to read
Thanks for the informative post. After reading this it sure makes sense to me. This sounds like it will be a great program.
Diana Villa
I’m going to share your great post with my best friend, she still trying to get pregnant but nothing yet. Thanks!
I didn’t realize the costs of IVF were so high. I have heard of many people having multiples with IVF. SET just seems to make sense.
The expense of IVF can be just too much for some people. I’m glad this is starting up in an effort to save dollars big-picture.
Sarah Bailey
This is a really informative post, I hope you get the funding in your area. x
First of all, I think that the IVF funding program makes total sense and every couple deserves the right to be parents. I am very blessed, thank God, I was able to conceive on my own. Second, our government loves to spend on other areas that to me is no where near as important as having a baby and the wonderful experience of having a child.
Dawn: I agree!! The savings here make sense for so many reasons. Plus healthy families matter in each province so it’s time for Alberta to do this.
Lois Alter Mark
How can this not be funded? I think we should do what we can to help people suffering from infertility.
maya fitzpatrick
I honestly believe this issue is Canadian wide. I have no idea why IVF isn’t government paid. It should be!!! I’m behind you and this logic 100%. It’ll save our health care system so much money in the long run among other benefits.
Little Miss Kate
Those numbers add up to some awesome health care savings. Imaging where else they could put the money towards that will not be needed for NICU stays from high risk pregnancies.
Plus there is the emotional costs that are not factored in as well.
I think this should be funded all over Canada (if it isn’t yet, I’m not really sure) I know quite a few people who have had such struggles and couldn’t afford to go forward with IVF or adoption because it’s just too expensive.
I understand the math and it all makes sense to me. I hope that IVF funding is able to come to Alberta.
Adriana Martin
Interesting article never have seen IFV on that light. It is an expensive treatment though, not sure which would the implications to get it approved for funding.
Annemarie LeBlanc
It makes me sad that there are some couple willing to spend so much just to have a baby of their own. On the other end of the spectrum, there are women who abort their babies, unknowing how important a baby would mean to some. I hope IVF gets the proper funding.
That adds up to a lot of healthcare savings! I don’t know much about IVF.
Mama to 5 BLessings
I live int he states. I have never heard of this before. My husband works with someone whose wife is taking these treatments and they are crazy expensive.
Pamela Gurganus
This was a very interesting and shocking read! I had no idea that such practices could save so much money!
Ann Bacciaglia
This is such an interesting post. I think IVF should be covered. I can not imagine the struggles family’s face that want to have a baby so badly and can not afford the high cost of IVF.
Interesting article about Canadian healthcare.
Tina Wahrmund
This is a very informative post with interesting information. I will share.
Randa @ TBK
There so many amazing people out there who need some extra help – FUND IT!
IVF is a very expensive treatment and not a lot of couples can afford it. This is really good to know.
Ashley B.
Wow great info
So insightful! I had no idea!!!
Jenna H
I think IVf should be funded. I can’t imagine desperately wanting a child and the struggle of not being able to have one because of costs.
I am past the child bearing years. What I see is that there are so many children that need a loving home, yet people feel the need to produce their own. If there is enough love, and money, adopt a child.
Michelle elizondo
Wow I should have read this awhile back.
I hope IVF will be funded by the government of Canada one day.
I think that there should be IVF funding in Alberta. Starting a family is such an important stage in people’s lives. With a program like this, the more people that get to participate, the better off everyone will ultimately be. It is not always widely communicated the large expenses-both financial and emotional-that difficulty conceiving can be. The SET program sounds like a smart and safe path for many. If all of these ideas were communicated widely, perhaps through social media, then the importance of this life-aiding program could be known.
Amanda Ripsam
I love that you are being a champion for the Ivf funding cause. I grew up in Toronto Ontario Canada so I’m proud that the country I cam from is helping to support family’s who wish to go this rout for a child.
Lisa Sicora
Kudos to you! There are not alot of blogs/sites that address IVF and it is much needed by so many couples! Way to go!
I think by helping a couple with IVF it helps so that these couples only have one child not many babies. In the long run this helps the public programs save money. Multiple births costs the city because there are usually health problems when more then one child is born.
Wow I should have read this awhile back. It’s really informative.
I know someone who spent 60K on IVF and they never had a kid. They basically remortgaged their house.
Karen jaras
I wish there would have been funding when I was trying to get pregnant. It is a shame to have to forgo a family because of lack in funds.
Dianne Mumpower
Such an interesting article. I really like that you not only addressed the immediate expense, but also that which will occurr down the road if multiple IVF transplants are done at the same time. Or at least the risk of such. I wish the future economical affects were taken into consideration on a lot of issues, especially those involving health care. So many Insurance companies today will not pay for preventive care. They prefer to gamble with our lives and wait to see if something bad does happen first. This needs to change.
Hannah C
Interesting and insightful information
Katherine Riley
I guess the US isn’t the only place having healthcare woes. We have a son and daughter in law that are trying IVF treatments, but they are limited by their budget and insurance as to how many times they can try too.
Fund it! There are so many couples who are struggling and our government should help! With Alberta with a new NDP government maybe we’ll see the changes since they voted out the Conservatives?
I always assumed Canadian health insurance is a dream – but I see it is a complicated system and you don’t just get everything paid for, an eye opener
Patricia Delgado
I am sharing this post. I think a woman who desperately wants a baby should get the help to fund it.
Sarah L
I really do not have an opinion on this.
Jerry Marquardt
I didn’t even hear about this. I am so glad to hear from direct sources about what is going on out there. I thank you for the news.
Alex B
Lexie Lane
IVF on its own is already so expensive. What a great program. It should help save a lot of costs for sure!