Summer Days with Cousins
Summer days with cousins are even better than average seasonal sunny days we already love.
Always have been and always will be, simply because of moments like this.
I shot this random picture of Ainsley when her cousins were visiting this summer. Cousin fun is always special and it was a gorgeous sunny day, as you can see.
Summer days are hanging out and leisurely swimming in the pool and sometimes doing day camps and being outside more often than any other time of year. Being out of doors makes me happiest as well. My Mom used to say that to me. You can tell whether it’s sunny outside or not by the sound of your voice, she would say.
I am a summer baby and so is one of my daughters. Maybe that’s why we love summer days the most. When they are gone, and they are gone way too soon, I miss summer days the most.
Now we have a new sport to look forward to every winter, but still sun and water and gorgeous skies are so appealing and they speed by much too fast!
What’s your favourite season and why?
[tweetthis]What will you do with your summer days when they finally arrive?[/tweetthis]

Beautiful picture!! I agree it does capture summer well!
Randa Derkson
I absolutely adore the name Ainsley.
I love summer but Autumn is always welcoming for me 🙂
I miss summer already 🙁 The grass, flowers, warm weather, etc… It is my fave season
Olivia L
What a lovely capture!
Thank you.
She looks so grown up!
Thank you. Yes time flies.