Pool Party Summer Lesson Pack K – Grade 1
If it’s summer it’s time for a pool party! It can also be time for summer slide. Don’t let that happen whether you homeschool or go to public school. This Pool Party Summer Lesson Pack will help you stave off summer slide this year. Or it might help your little one get prepared to start school in September.
Summer Lesson Pack
There’s a range of activities here to help your little one trace shapes and lines and even practice their cutting skills. All of these fine motor skills can also help your child get ready for school, if this is the year they are starting. If you homeschool you can use this immediately to help with lesson planning for your age 3 to 6 students/ children.
Download below for an eight page summer lesson pack.
Summer Lesson Pack includes:
2 Trace The Line Pages
2 Trace the shape pages
Cut on the dotted line (good for early scissor skills when getting ready to start school)
Shade in the corresponding number page. Counting to nine involved here.
Trace the numbers
Pick the smallest object in the grouping and circle it
[tweetthis]Get your Pre-K and Kindergarten children ready to start school with this summer lesson pack now. [/tweetthis]
Help them to feel confident starting school or give them some fun practice pages to do at home. Either way this great printable will help.
Pool Party Summer Lesson Pack VA