The Magic of Killarney, Ireland
The flight from Toronto is a blink. So fast I am astonished we are descending into Dublin Airport. An uneventful landing is always good. I am solo. There are three ways to get to Killarney. By train, by bus and if you happen to rent a car you can get there too of course. I ask someone at the ground transportation desk what makes sense and opt for the bus. After finally locating the correct bus and asking at least twice to be sure I am heading in the right direction, I load my luggage and board. There’s a transfer and an hour wait about 15 minutes in. Luckily I…
Ziptrek EcoTours – My Favourite Birthday Trip Yet
This is the birthday trip I will look back on when I am 90 and GRIN from ear to ear. Ziplining down Mont Tremblant with Ziptrek Ecotours was a brilliant adventure I will not soon forget. Ziptrek is a zipline tour with a difference and it is one of the most thrilling courses I have done so far. If you have ever been to Tremblant you know it is spectacular. Quebec is simply one of my favourite destinations and the Laurentians are a Canadian treasure. In fact, if you have not yet been, then what are you waiting for? In the winter months there are a zillion wonderful ways to…