Time for Mom Camp With Summer Weekly Themed Activities for Kids
So, if this year is anything like last year then we might all be working on creative ways to keep kids busy.
Why not set up your own version of day camp? Mom camp with summer weekly themed activities for kids.
I mean when kids are little this totally makes sense. Here are a few ideas for summer weekly themed activities. If there are nine weeks of summer, there can be a lot of down days or a lot of “Mom, I’m bored” days. Don’t let that happen. Instead check the attitude and keep them off screens with nine weeks of planned summer weekly themed activities.
This is exactly what my oldest daughter does when she is planning activities as a summer camp counsellor. She plots each day out with her coworkers and they each take turns coming up with these and with summery crafts. They have outdoor activities planned too. Last year, that was extremely well planned.
Luckily, this year I have several great ideas that you can stagger to use over the nine weeks of summer when school is done. Actually my kids are way too old for this but I know that some of your kids are much younger. So, hopefully this can help you too.
Themed Activities Can Help
I believe that some of you know, my youngest has FASD and sensory processing disorder. That means she, over the years, has had a lot of school and social challenges. For years, we struggled and worked hard on staggering her into summer day camps. She had a reliable list of social activities that supported her beautifully up until the pandemic. But as you all probably are aware all of those were cancelled when COVID-19 protocols made that necessary.
There are five activities each week and a theme of course that guides them.
Summer of Mom Camp
- Start string with Week 1 which is Fruit week.
- Everyone love Lego – Week 2 is Lego Week
- Week 3 is Circus Week
- Backyard scientists be like —Week 4 is Mad Scientist Week
- Week 5 is all about Safaris
- Everybody is captivated by farms and agriculture. Don’t miss, Week 6 is Farm Week
- Space is one of our favourite themes for activities here too. Week 7 is Space Week
- Week 8 is Construction
- Finally Week 9 is Mystery Scientist Week
Themed Weekly Activities can be expanded to add more activities and crafts daily. If you like this, do check out my summer challenges.
Other Summer Activities
Summer Fun is right around the corner and even during a pandemic, while you might have to look harder to find it, it is possible to have fun. Check out this summer cooking challenge or this summer drawing challenge while you are at it.
Check out these Crayola pencil crayons to use when doing any of my activities. They are our favourites.