
All of the Best Hope Quotes to Lift You Up

These days hope is either nowhere or everywhere you look. I choose everywhere. Now is not an easy time at all. Many are worrying over jobs and health and the global pandemic of course. So, I thought these hope quotes could be slightly comforting right now.

Of course, I am fully aware that hope quotes are mighty small arrows in the quiver when it comes to all the insults being hurled our way right now. Without hope we are all aimless wanderers on a shared planet. I choose hope always.

What’s your favourite hopeful quote?

Famous Authors

“Hope is the thing with feathers 
That perches in the soul 
And sings the tune without the words 
And never stops at all.” 
― Emily Dickinson

Anne Frank

“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” 
― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Tom Bodett

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” 
― Tom Bodett

Gilbert K. Chesterton

“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

Alfred Lord Tennyson

“Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, 
Whispering ‘it will be happier’…” 
― Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Writer and Author Barbara Kingsolver

“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” 
― Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

“Hope is a renewable option:
If you run out of it at the end of the day, you get to start over in the morning.” ~ Barbara Kingsolver

Robert Fulghum

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.” 
― Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts On Common Things

Laini Taylor

“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” 
― Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone


“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.” 
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Roy T. Bennett

“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.” 
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Amy Tan

“We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming – well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.” 
― Amy Tan, The Hundred Secret Senses

Francis Bacon

“Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.” 
― Francis Bacon

Leonard Cohen – Canadian Poet, Singer and Icon

There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.” 
― Leonard Cohen, Selected Poems, 1956-1968

Religious Figures and Philosophers

Dalai Lama XIV

“There is a saying in Tibetan, ‘Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.’
No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster.” 
― Dalai Lama XIV


“Hope is passion for what is possible.” – Soren Kierkegaard


“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 
― Anonymous, Holy Bible: King James Version

Nhat Hanh

Well this one is incredibly appropriate, isn’t it?

“If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today” – Nhat Hanh

Politicians, Presidents

inspiration, hope quotes, hope, Stephen king quotes,

If you are looking for more inspirational quotes, check out these mental health quotes.

President Obama

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” 
― Barack Obama

A Few Final Thoughts

Helen Keller

“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” – Helen Keller

Stephen King – Master of Suspense and Thrillers

“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” 
― Stephen King

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.

One Comment

  • Bohemian Babushka

    There is a crack in everything.
    That’s how the light gets in.”
    ― Leonard Cohen, Selected Poems, 1956-1968

    Babushka LOVES this quote. So much so she uses it on the profile pic of her FB page “Nunca Alone”. Have saved this post to favoritos, Gracias.