Choosing great food on a budget and turning that into meals the entire family loves! That's the goal for many households. It's not always easy, or affordable so here are a few ideas and recipes that make sense for our family. Hoping you find some new favourites for your family meal rotation here too. A love of food is something we all nurture from the start with our family, and as parents it's a constant challenge to commit to healthy living while also sticking to the budget. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you eat healthy food and also try a few new recipe ideas that won't break the bank. Don't Miss my Cooking with Kids series and my Pinterest board by the same name. There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of amazing and fun recipes for families there. We cook it first and sometimes make the mistakes so that we can deliver great recipes and food content to you.
Enjoy This Meatless Light and Easy Pasta Bake
Why not make a pasta bake tonight? It’s an easy and family friendly dinner option that’s perfect for meatless Mondays. Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small commission via qualifying purchases. Fighting Dinner Boredom Dinner fatigue is real. So, every night it’s the same old thing. Finding time and interest in making dinner around here is a big challenge some nights. There are nights when I look up from work and go UGH, seriously I have zero interest in making dinner for anyone tonight and I’m not even really hungry. Literally this was me this week. Teenage Daughter to the Rescue Teens are…
Make These Tasty Toffee Espresso Cookie Bars
Is there anything that I love more than toffee? Well, maybe toffee espresso cookie bars. Oh, now caramel goodies and lemon treats could also give those a run for their money. But I am sure you will LOVE these tasty and easy to bake cookie bars. Bake Up Some Toffee Espresso Cookie Bars Cookie bars are the perfect combination of a bite-sized treat and a cookie. Cookies are in fact one of my favourite little snacks in the world. I existed on those and Rice Krispie treats for much of first year university. I didn’t learn to eat healthier until later in my life. Having kids who watch my every…
How to Make an Easy Apple Cinnamon Tea Latte Now
Fall walks followed by apple cinnamon tea latte is basically what’s keeping me sane right now. Well, that might be overstating it just a pinch. This apple cinnamon tea latte post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small commission from purchases made via qualifying links. Why Apple Cinnamon? Apples and Fall go together like peanut butter and jelly. Who doesn’t love Fall apple picking? There’s also something delicious and soothing about the flavours of apples and cinnamon together. Apple cinnamon tea makes one of my favourite treats here: the apple cinnamon tea latte. Fall Walks and Soothing Teas Go Together This Fall, we have been…
20 Hearty Chili Recipes To Make Right Now
Chili is one of my favourite things to make in our slow cooker. In the winter months, we ski often and chili is pure comfort to come home to at the end of a long ski day. Plus, it is a very simple dinner or lunch to make. You can also make chili ahead and take it with you if you need a hearty meal that is a crowdpleaser to feed a group. I can’t even count the number of times that I have seen ski families taking a massive pot of chili into a ski chalet. It just makes sense when feeding a bunch. All the Best Creative Chili…
10 + Simple Uses for Common Food Scraps
Food waste is one of the biggest contributions to landfills. One of the ways you can prevent food waste is to reuse food scraps when possible. There’s so much waste that can actually be diverted from landfill when you know how and when to reuse your food scraps. Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small commission off of purchases made via qualifying links. My oldest daughter has me scrutinizing our habits at home and at first I have to say I was a skeptic, but seeing how she easily regrows green onions and uses scraps for other household things from gardening to cosmetic…
Amazing Pumpkin Spice Gingerbread Whoopie Pies
Make these Pumpkin Spice Gingerbread Whoopie Pies now and you can take them anywhere you are going this year. Or, if you are staying home and being safe, you can just as simply wow your family. Either way, this pumpkin and ginger whoopie pies recipe will be a huge hit. This is the time of year for all things pumpkin spice. So, as usual I am playing around with all of the delicious pumpkin recipes that I can find or think of trying out. That led me to these Pumpkin Spice Gingerbread Whoopie Pies. Harvest Season is Special Actually, I adore all of the gourds and squashes the harvest season…
Easy Fresh No Churn Strawberry Ice Cream
No churn strawberry ice cream is easy, fresh and wholesome. There’s nothing quite so rewarding as knowing you made it yourself and can count the ingredients on one hand! That’s exactly why you will love this ice cream recipe as much as we did. Start with the Local Fruit Back in the early summer we went berry picking and we landed two giant baskets full of fresh local strawberries. Hello! We were more than ready for berry season! My oldest daughter had several strawberry recipes in mind. We intended to try making strawberry jam in the bread machine and also no churn strawberry ice cream. While we eat strawberries fresh…
Creamy Harry Potter Butterbeer Fudge
My family is hard core about Harry Potter. So, it was inevitable that we’d eventually make Butterbeer Fudge. Post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small commission from purchases made via qualifying links. Why Do We Love Harry? We have all of the Harry Potter movies and most of the Harry Potter books and many of the toys and puzzles too. Harry Potter is a perfect escapist adventure, especially during a pandemic, or for sick days. I asked my daughters both why they loved it and wanted to revisit the entire saga so many times during COVID-19. They said it just makes them happy to…
How to Make Soft Pretzels in the Bread Machine
Soft Pretzels in the bread machine? Sure, why not? But the question is how…I mean how do you make pretzels in the bread machine? Homemade Pretzels for the Win Most bread makers do a superb job with fresh dough, so use the bread maker for that portion of the recipe and then turn the oven on for the final baking piece. Easy, peasy and so good. Enjoying Recreating Travel Memories with Food Since we are all grounded right now and we can’t even consider travel, we are striving to recreate some occasional travel memories with recipes we make at home. I think that’s a common theme, with many families right…
U Pick Farms Near London Ontario for Fresh Local Fruit
Why not take a quick local morning adventure or day trip to one of these U Pick Farms near London, Ontario? One of the things I miss the most this year, during this particular season is the abundance of local markets that are usually open. I often have enjoyed gathering all of the shades of the rainbow from Masonville Farmer’s Market, open from May through October in the Masonville Mall parking lot near my neighbourhood. But, this year with Coronavirus still in the driver’s seat we have all learned to proceed without a lot of our favourite conveniences. However, even with local Farmer’s Markets closed, I don’t want to sacrifice…