U Pick Farms Near London Ontario for Fresh Local Fruit
Why not take a quick local morning adventure or day trip to one of these U Pick Farms near London, Ontario?
One of the things I miss the most this year, during this particular season is the abundance of local markets that are usually open. I often have enjoyed gathering all of the shades of the rainbow from Masonville Farmer’s Market, open from May through October in the Masonville Mall parking lot near my neighbourhood.
But, this year with Coronavirus still in the driver’s seat we have all learned to proceed without a lot of our favourite conveniences. However, even with local Farmer’s Markets closed, I don’t want to sacrifice getting my family fresh local fruits and vegetables. That came to a head on Canada Day, when my oldest daughter, the one who is baking all of the great recipes here, asked to go pick strawberries.
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Can We Go Berry Picking?
Yes, you can still go berry picking. The local U Pick Farms near London Ontario are actually in high demand. Without Farmer’s Markets on every corner, people are finding ways to drive to their favourite area farms and get the goods straight from the source.
One note – check each resource below for current information. Berry picking season is short and new protocols are in place. Some will tell you that they have a drive through or curb-side pickup and others are letting people pick their own as long as they have masks and are maintaining social distancing rules. Follow the rules!
Millar Berry Farms
This is the U Pick Farm just outside Lambeth where we went on Canada Day. We took our masks and some water and paid for two of their plastic baskets and loaded them up. It was a lot of fun for the girls, even in 30 degree Celsius weather.
Right across the street from the U Pick farmer’s field is the Millar Berry Farms farm stand. I heard from someone staffing the stand that they are busier than ever before. We left with zucchini, asparagus, two huge baskets of fresh picked strawberries, peas in the pod (we love these and miss them often because the season is so very short) and also some scrumptious fresh baked lemon tarts. Highly recommend this one. Millar Berry Farms was only about a 20 minute drive from north London. It’s obviously closer if you live in south London.
A very good friend of mine was just there two weeks ago. She loved that Heemans has adapted and has a picnic area as well as a drive through. Her kids are too young for berry picking just yet. So, drive through plus quick picnic after at Heemans makes a great outing.
Heeman’s is out on Nissouri Rd. in Thorndale. Their web site currently indicates that strawberries are almost done and that the U pick is now closed for 2020. But, the drive through is till open and they also have a shop with various goods. That’s worth checking out.
Kustermans Berry Farm
My current understanding is that this one is not open yet for the usual children’s attractions that are such a huge draw every year. But, that said, they have blueberries possibly later this week. Right now, I am checking their site for daily updates and also checking their Facebook page for blueberry news.
If I see you there at Kustermans, I will respect your social distancing and I might not recognize you if you are wearing a mask as I am. Nonetheless, know that I am probably smiling at you.
Talbotville Berry Farm
Even though they are an essential business, this St. Thomas area U Pick on Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, says they made the choice to close down and protect their staff. They are offering curb-side pickup and online ordering though according to the web site. Check the Talbotville Berry Farm site, because as you well know, things change daily here now!
Apple Land
This one is just out Dundas Street, not so far. When it is late August, start checking their web site. We go to Apple Land most years to pick apples. It’s just fun and such great fresh apple varieties. The corn maze also is a hoot and there’s a petting zoo.
So, some of you might be wondering about Crunican Orchards. Crunican has curb-side pickup and a market space with local seasonal produce and fresh apples of course. They are not a Pick Your Own Farm. Check their Facebook page out for details about what is being offered and when it is available.
All the Berries and Fruits!
Did you actually realize there were this many U Pick Farms near London, Ontario? At times, it has felt like we have sacrificed a lot of income and freedom, with good reason and in the interest of public health, but you need not sacrifice fresh fruits and vegetables if you can get your family to one of these U Pick Farms near London Ontario!