Every Child Deserves a Shot at Life #VaccinesWork
Every child should have a Shot at Life. All children have a right to health. But, in developing countries around the world many families face overwhelming obstacles to accessing life-saving vaccines. Shot@Life is an organization that helps and advocates for funding to deliver lifesaving vaccines to those in need.
I visited Zambia as part of a fellowship with Shot at Life through the UN Foundation recently. It was an amazing experience. Over the next few weeks I will share posts about that trip and the many clinics and aid organizations we visited. Yesterday I shared my first post about Preparing for the Zambia Fellowship. But today I want to share a bit of background about Shot at Life.
A Shot for a Shot at Life
Here in North America, we often take vaccinations for granted. A simple shot protects our children from flu strains, measles, mumps, rubella, polio and all kinds of other diseases and illnesses. Many of us take our children to the doctor and follow the vaccination schedule. We know it’s an important part of a child’s health care. Our vaccines are readily available and easy to get. But, not everyone has similar access to quality health care and vaccines.
Around the world today, children are dying from 100% preventable disease simply because they don’t have access to preventative measures. This year 1.7 million children will die from diseases that have largely disappeared from Canada and the US. Why is that? Because many can’t access lifesaving vaccines.
That’s what Shot@Life is all about. Shot@Life gives children everywhere a chance at life by increasing access to vaccinations. This organization encourages education, advocacy, and fundraising to decrease vaccine-preventable childhood deaths. Shot @Life literally gives children in developing countries a chance to grow up healthy.
[tweetthis]Shot @Life literally gives children in developing countries a shot at a healthy life, no matter where they are. #vaccineswork[/tweetthis]
The United Nations Foundation started Shot at Life. The UN Foundation strives to build public-private partnerships to address pressing global problems. They broaden support for the United Nations through advocacy and public outreach. The common goal is always to try to keep children and adults in need healthy. This is the same group that does the get a shot, give a shot program with Walgreens. Together the UN Foundation and Shot@Life work with many US aid organizations to build a better life for children in need.
A Shot at Life. A Shot at Happiness
A Shot@Life strives to ensure that all children all get the life saving vaccinations they need to live happy, healthy lives. I believe strongly in the work they do, and I’m honoured to have been a part of it. Stay tuned for the rest of the stories about Zambia, the obstacles and progress made towards giving children everywhere a shot at life.
I received the UN Foundation Shot at Life Fellowship this fall and I travelled with the organization to Zambia, so I could share the work this group is doing globally.
Sarah Bailey
Oh wow I bet that was an amazing experience and it is true, it is such a shame these child have to battle things that for us are hardly an issue just because they don’t have access to shots.
Paula Kiger
Thank you for sharing your experiences (and the prior blog about preparing). You make us feel like we’re along for the experience! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t envious; I would love to share in a trip like this! So thank you for the level of detail and caring you bring to this blog.
Jacqui @FlightsFancyMom
I am so glad this program exists. Giving these children a shot at surviving diseases that are preventable? An amazing gift 🙂
I am very excited to read this! Kids deserve to be able to live healthy lives no matter where they live in the world. Programs like this are wonderful and what an amazing gift to them.
Angelic Sinova
I definitely think that we in the US take vaccinations for granted. We are very lucky to have the access to everything we need when its comes to vaccinations. A Shot@Life is truly doing amazing things.
This sounds like a great campaign. I think all children need access to vaccinations.
Libertad Green
So nice to read about good things and people making a difference! Keep up the great work!
Pam Wattenbarger
Vaccinations have eliminated or drastically reduced so many terrible diseases. It is great that Shot@Life is increasing access to vaccinations for kids in developing countries.
What a life marking experience. incredible how a little thing like a shot makes such an improvement on life quality
Maureen @Scoops of Joy
This is so important and I wish more people will support this. Bravo to you and everyone involves.
I love the work that Shot @Life has been doing! Vaccinations are SO important in developing countries! Thank you for sharing this!
I am so happy to hear that this exists. vaccines are so so important!! thanks for sharing this!
Bill S
It is amazing how much vaccines have done for our world. What a great way to help kids in developing countries with vaccines like this.
Mimi Green
This is a great cause. Getting vaccines can change a kids life. Something so simple should be available to eveyone in need.
Sounds like a great program…Thanks for sharing your experience! Can’t wait to read more updates
you have reminded me that I need my flu shot. I moved to a climate where it’s summer all the time and I forget when I’m supposed to go in – the weather doesn’t remind me.
Chubskulit Rose
This program will benifit a lot of kids who doesn’t have an easy access to vaccination. What a great cause this is!
Tatanisha W
This sounds like an amazing experience and a great organization. I definitely believe in doing work to make sure all children have options to health care, thank you for your post!
It really is a wonderful organization and the trip was fantastic.
Little Miss Kate
YES VACCINES WORK, and save so many lives. It is heartbreaking to think of kids sick because of something we already have a preventative treatment for.
I agree wholeheartedly.
ashley picco
I am a big believer in vaccines. What an incredible experience you must have had
Wow what an amazing mission and how amazing that you got to actually visit Zambia and help to make a difference! 🙂
Aeryn Lynne
Sounds like an incredible experience, one you’ll not forget any time soon! <3 I agree, vaccines are totally taken for granted here, and yet this is something desperately needed all over the globe. Am eager to hear more of your trip!