Graduation Trip Safety – Tips to Save Your Sanity

Graduation Trip Safety – Tips to Save Your Sanity
Your child is going on a graduation trip without you! AAAAHHH! Of course, you’re going to be nervous, but there are a few ways you can increase the safety factor and feel better about your child being out in the world without you.
A Graduation Trip Doesn’t Have to Make Your Hair Fall Out
You don’t want to be a nervous wreck while your child is off in the great big world on their graduation trip. You want to feel good about your child having a great time. You don’t want to be eaten alive with fear!
Cell Phone
If for some reason your child doesn’t have a cell phone, get them one. With a cell phone, your child is only a phone call away, no matter where their graduation trip takes them. It’s a great way to stay connected. It’s also a great way for you to feel safe because of that connection. If they don’t have their own line yet, then you might give them one of the family cell phones for the weekend or the few days they are away.
Remember, it’s wonderful to be connected, but don’t call your child every 10 minutes. Limit the calls to a few times a day to check in. That lets you know that your child is safe without making them feel suffocated.
This goes hand in hand with the cell phone. Know your child’s itinerary. That way you’ll always have at least a general idea about where they are and what they’re doing while they’re on their graduation trip. Knowing their itinerary also lets you limit the number of phone calls. A graduation trip is all about finding their independence, and you don’t want to ruin that for them.
Get Those Phone Numbers
Get the phone number of every adult going on the graduation trip. ALL of them. Get the numbers of the chaperones and the other adults going on the trip. If you personally know any of the other students going on your child’s graduation trip, get their numbers as well. With all of those numbers, you’re sure to be able to get in touch with your child or with someone who can get in touch with them in case of an emergency.
Be a Chaperone
This is the nuclear option if you just aren’t comfortable with your child going on a graduation trip without you. If it’s too much for you to bear, just be a chaperone. If there’s an opening, being a chaperone is a great way to keep an eye on your child. You might even have some fun yourself!

Robin (Masshole Mommy)
My step son is graduating high school next month. He is heading off to the army a week later….
aimee fauci
I could see my husband and I taking a vacation wherever our child is, just so we would be there. Scary to let your child go on a big trip.
Thank goodness all my worries are over as far as my kids go. The thing is, now I have to worry about my Grandkids and graduation trips.
Carmen Perez (listen2mama)
Yes I would definitely be scared to let my child go alone without us, but at some point you need to let them go 🙁
Tiffany steadman-collins
What great tips! So often we get caught up in the emotional aspect that we forget about some of these tips like getting the numbers of others going or going yourself as a trip liaison. Great tips:)
These are great. My kids want to go back to school in a September and my oldest will be graduating soon! So these will come in handy!
Cell phones are so important nowadays, it’s really nice to be able to contact our kids anywhere they are.
Amanda O.
I can’t imagine a graduate without a cell phone nowadays. I still have 2 more years before my baby graduates high school!
Lady Lilith
This will be helpful for next year when my little one will be in 8th grade. How time flies. Thanks for sharing.
Liz Mays
We didn’t actually do this when my kids finished school but this would help a lot. I think having the phone numbers of chaperones is a good idea.
This is some great information. Although this should be a fun time for graduates, it can cause a lot of anxiety in parents. It’s normal to worry as well.
Lois Alter Mark
Great tips! Thank goodness for cell phones. I can’t imagine sending my kids off without one now.
My kids aren’t graduating but I like these tips! It definitely helps to know who they are spending time with and their itinerary!
Mama to 5 BLessings
Great advise. I dread these days, thankfully my kids are still young. Time goes by so fast!
Jenny Temcio
A cell phone is a must have. It gives your child a way to contact you if they feel unsafe.
It is hard to let them out of your sight. Mine is graduating, just turned 18 and I still don’t know how to let go
Awesome tips, I was a wreck when my daughter went on her grad trip. Cell phone numbers and the trip itinerary are vital! (PS I wanted to chaperone but she would not hear of that happening…lol)
Jenna Em
Great suggestion about being a chaperone, for parents who can schedule it in. It’s a great way of helping out, and at the same time keeping an eye on your child.
Great tips. Staying connected both physically (with a cellphone) or by knowing their schedule is really important.
Great pointers! I can’t imagine when graduation comes our way.
Randa @ TBK
It’s also important to just take a deep breath and remember the day. I barely remember Grad it was so rushed. We didn’t have a grad trip. Our big thing was pre-grad where we went out to the lake. Nothing too special like a fun trip!
Are big trips common nowadays for graduation? My daughter hasn’t said anything about taking one, but if she does, these are so handy tips to keep in mind!
Those are great graduation tips. It is important to get those phone numbers and get all the information
Seeing your child off on a graduation trip can be so scary. I already signed up to be a chaperon for my nieces senior trip to Europe next year.
It is definitely the time to get them a cell when things get hectic and busy. And hurrah for ways to save your sanity during those times too. 😉
Lisa Rios
These are great tips when your child goes for a graduation party on their own. I agree having a Cell Phone is the most important thing these days so you can be in touch with them & collecting other students phone numbers is also really helpful when you cant connect with your kid.
Chrissy Mazzocchi
I have 2 years until my son graduates but I am waiting for the day. I know I will be a mess! lol
The Mid-Atlantic Foodie
These are all great tips and I think they can be used for any trips away involving your children, since I have a bit to go before grad trip. 🙂