Moving In Checklist – What Do You Need to Do Now?
There are a trillion tasks to take care of when you are moving. From packing to scheduling movers and sometimes even setting up new schools for kids. The jobs seem endless. So, that got me thinking what if there was a moving in checklist to help people figure out what to do and when?
So, naturally I went ahead and made a moving in checklist so that readers could use it and be move in ready.
Are you Moving or Looking to Move Soon?
Don’t forget to contact all of the utilities companies and the cable and Internet or phone people. Oh and here’s one that I learned the hard way. Do not forget to update your driver’s license. Once I was pulled over by the police and the officer penalized me for not getting my driver’s license updated after a move. I literally had no clue that I had missed doing that, or that I only had a few months to get it done. So, take it from me, don’t forget that biggie.
Whether it is your first home or your 14th there’s always something you forget to do. Also, let’s be clear you can be super organized and things still won’t flow flawlessly. That’s just life. Also, kudos to you if you are moving safely during the pandemic. There are some things that cannot wait and apparently the housing market has not slowed down during the pandemic. If anything, he market heated up.
In my neighbourhood, property values increased dramatically. Houses with pools and decent-sized backyards are still selling fast and often over asking price. If you are looking to move though you may need to plan and look for awhile or have an agent working closely on your behalf to find what you need.
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