Moving In Checklist – What Do You Need to Do Now?
There are a trillion tasks to take care of when you are moving. From packing to scheduling movers and sometimes even setting up new schools for kids. The jobs seem endless. So, that got me thinking what if there was a moving in checklist to help people figure out what to do and when? So, naturally I went ahead and made a moving in checklist so that readers could use it and be move in ready. Are you Moving or Looking to Move Soon? Don’t forget to contact all of the utilities companies and the cable and Internet or phone people. Oh and here’s one that I learned the hard…
My Word of The Year Checkup – February
January was a hot mess. Actually maybe not even a HOT mess. Just a mess. But back at the start of January I wrote a post about my word of the year. My word this year is MOVE. So I thought it worthwhile to do a quick word of the year checkup to keep myself accountable to all of you. So here that is – my word of the year checkup. Month one. I am generally good about keeping personal goals. 2017 and mindfulness was the exception to that one. And if you know me at all then you know that I work out a lot and I am pretty…
Home Office Decorating #InkscrblrATWork
Months ago we moved to a new home. If you read this blog at all, then you know that we moved to a lovely new neighbourhood and we have a pool and super neighbours. We had some of that in our old neighbourhood, but our house was a bit too small for my family, and it was most definitely way too tiny to contain a work space for me. My social media consulting and blogging business grew fast and had taken over my old house. I needed a dedicated office space. I also needed to do some Home Office Decorating. The before picture of my home office space I hoped my…
Five Jobs Kids Can Do When Your Family Is Moving
Kids can and should help when moving. After all they are part of the family and moving is a massive undertaking. So why not get them involved. We found several easy ways to get our kids involved and invested in the process of moving to our new house. It’s no big secret that our family is moving. I have been writing about the process for weeks and getting prepared to move for months now. Finally the countdown is on. On Valentine’s Day weekend our family will move out of our first home and into one that will give us a bit more space to grow. We are very excited…