My Fun Little Australia Book for Kids
Australia is one of those destinations that people just can’t hear enough about. The land down under is almost mythical. So, right now I thought this little Australia Book for Kids would be a fun resource to share.

What child or adult full of wanderlust and curiosity hasn’t wanted to visit Australia at least once? It’s worth the visit, even if just for the wildlife alone. Then again, maybe it’s the upside down seasons that are so very captivating.

Whatever the reason for your curiosity or interest in Australia, this Australia Book is the resource for you. See below for instructions on how to use this cute and educational children’s Australia Book to share.

Don’t miss this People of Ancient Rome tool as well. Your kids can continue learning all summer long with a few of these great books, colouring books and booklets.
National wildlife, the flag, foods and other Australian traditions and customary items are all inside this five page book.

Little Book of Australia
For your information, if you are interested in this one, you might also want to check out my Australia Learning Unit with Maps and Worksheets available here.
Click on the link below to download.
Here are a few things I recommend using for this project. Post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small commission on qualifying purchases.
Need printer paper? Great deal on that here too.