Kid’s Happy Easter Bookmarks Printable
Happy Easter! If you are sharing some books with your children, or your grandchildren, nieces or nephews this Easter, then don’t forget the bookmarks too. I made these Kid’s Happy Easter Bookmarks for you to share. If you are at all like we are, then you are always hunting for a bookmark. Why is it always impossible to find one? Actually true story here. My older daughter was gifted a phone plan (she already had the phone but it wasn’t connected) last summer for her birthday. This March the phone went missing in a house full of readers and crafters. So, you know we have lots of books and crafty…
Spring is Officially Here #LoveHallmarkCA #Giveaway
Spring has arrived at long last and it’s time to lighten up the clothing, clear away the winter drearies and get decorating for Easter! The garden and yard are ready to be tamed and spring cleaning is in full swing in many places. I’ve had a decent winter, even though the cold threatened to make me grumpy many times. We went away and took a family cruise at New Years and that helped us to relax for a week, before we returned to a snowy slippery drive back home down the 401. We were able to hunker down and plow through until March, when we headed to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec as…