Advocacy Goals After the 2015 IVF Funding Program is in Ontario #ohip4ivf #onpoli
This week we had a Linked Moms conversation with patient group Conceivable Dreams about advocacy and the shape that can take after a major goal has been reached. With a 2015 IVF funding program on the way by end of year it’s important that patient advocates continue to brainstorm what their advocacy looks like after the program is in place. This is what that conversation looked like: [View the story “Thoughts From Conceivable Dreams Infertility Patient Advocates in Ontario AFTER The #ohip4ivf Program Arrives #onpoli” on Storify]
What’s Next for Infertility Patients in Ontario? #ohip4ivf #onpoli Twitter Chat Live June 10 at 8 p.m. EST
How does a patient group like Conceivable Dreams evolve once they’ve met one of their biggest advocacy goals? This is the topic we’ll talk about on Wednesday night at a special Linked Moms twitter chat at 8 p.m. EST. Infertility patients in Ontario are invited to brainstorm what shape their advocacy should take next. In fact, this is an important topic for any advocacy group, charity or non profit. It’s not uncommon for a group to come together with one goal as a mission. But a successful group needs to consider the future too. Succession planning and remaining focused are crucial to long-term success. Right now infertility patients everywhere are…
Should Sex Education Curriculum in Ontario Also Include Infertility and Fertility?
Starting in September 2015, Ontario’s schools are working with a new updated sex education curriculum. I am happy to hear that the new Ontario school sex education curriculum will include topics such as transgendered people, homosexuality, sexting and consent. This conversation inside a school might make kids a bit squeamish while sitting through it, but it’s important for life. One morning before school this month, my daughter and I had an open conversation about transgendered people. She legitimately wanted to know something about someone she met while travelling one weekend to Mont Tremblant, Quebec, where we learned to ski. “Mom,” she asked, “was that a boy or a girl in the airport?”…
We’ve Been Trying Since I Was 25: An Infertility Story #ivf4on #onpoli
Ashley and Brandon Powell Ashley Powell is 29, diagnosed with PCOS and she has exhausted most of her options trying to get pregnant. Ashley ’s infertility story starts back at puberty. She had her first period at 13. But it took a full year before her next period arrived. Her menstrual cycles have always been erratic and painful. Powell typically had only 4-8 periods each year and they were extremely painful. In college she was diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome and referred to a gynecologist. The doctor told her she might have trouble conceiving and that has been proven repeatedly. She married her husband Brandon in 2009 and they began…