Apple Pandowdy – Farm Fresh Favourites #BornOnTheFarm
Truth be told, there’s very little I like about Fall. I am a summer gal. Summer is my happy space. Swimming and road tripping and beaches and sunny afternoons working in my outdoor office bring me JOY. Fall means back to routine and sweaters and colder temperatures. Brrr. But there are a few small pleasures even I can find in the Fall months. Apple picking. Pumpkin anything. Corn mazes, Squash. Oh and maybe Fall Boots. Fall means it’s time to get the slow cooker fired up again, because it will be on constant rotation here. It’s also time to bake again. Fall fan, or summer lover like me, your seasonal…
Sautéed Asparagus and Scalloped Potatoes – Simple Side Dishes Are Better With Butter #BornOnTheFarm
Sometimes I feel like butter is a dairy staple we take for granted. Butter makes sauces creamier, baked goods taste richer and it can elevate a recipe. But it never really takes centre stage. Just like side dishes. But Gay Lea butter can make almost anything better. It can improve a simple fresh vegetable like sautéed asparagus or add a twist to a new variation on traditional scalloped potatoes. This week was a brutally busy one with both girls in a martial arts tournament working as score-keepers and competing too. and it seemed like meals – good fresh home cooked meals were getting neglected for days. In the spring I…
Gluten Free Fireside Pie and Kids In the Kitchen – #BornOnTheFarm
Gluten Free Fireside Pie is the perfect comfort food for March weather. March Break is fast approaching and I don’t know about you but we are likely to be close to home. My older girl is traveling with a youth group, so my younger daughter and I will be hanging out together. Lucky for me, my youngest LOVES to cook and bake with me. I try to encourage that as often as possible. Cooking is a skill for life. This week we made a Gluten Free Fireside Pie together and it was the perfect comfort food for a Friday evening family dinner. March, might be the start of spring, but the…
New Traditions and a Simple Shortbread Cookie Recipe #GayleaMom
I have been baking for much of my life. As a child I loved to help bake with my Mom and my Grandma too. And, as a teenager I really enjoyed crafting and sewing, reading and cooking up something random. Betty Crocker’s cookbook and I were well acquainted. In fact, I still make a scrumptious jelly roll. Oddly though, I can’t recall ever having made shortbread cookies. Not once, until now. I recall having this perception that shortbread was hard to make, so we didn’t make it. This year is all about new traditions.We moved to a new house in February and I finally have my dream kitchen. This…