This is One Quirky Multi-Purpose Steamer – Hoover FloorMate® SteamScrub™ 2-IN-1 #TMMGG2015
When this arrived I had a visitor pop by the house. Actually I had a couple of visitors pop by and they spied the box for this Hoover FloorMate® SteamScrub™ 2-IN-1 and began to tell me more about it than I knew. “Is this the one that steams dirt off the stove too?” “And scrubs the shower?” “And the floors?’ Now I have to admit I hadn’t even heard of Hoover FloorMate® SteamScrub™ 2-IN-1 before it arrived but apparently in some circles it already had some buzz happening. So, I pulled it out of the box and assembled it easily this week wondering if all that could be true. How on…