Five Ways to Cope with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
As seasons shift from fall to winter, there can also be a lot of climate changes and physical changes to your environment that are often hard to deal with for many. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a mental health disorder that is triggered by less light during the fall and winter months and the change in seasons. Symptoms of SAD can range from mild to severe. For a lot of people, SAD, makes it difficult to concentrate, causes a mild depression and even saps energy. It is always a good idea to see a health professional to both diagnose and ensure that there is nothing else wrong. My Mom struggled…
My Worry Box – A PTPA Winner for Children #Giveaway
Does your child worry? Chances are good, if they are preschoolers on up, there are times their little minds won’t turn off the busy actions of the day. Or times their thoughts are racing. Sensitive children, gifted children, children with special needs, perfectionists, or simply children who spend a lot of time thinking. All children at one time or another handle worry, or anxiety. That’s just part of life. These days, worry and anxiety seems to be more prevalent among children than ever before. Healthy adults handle worries and anxieties every day. But most healthy adults have a toolkit of skills to deal with their worries as they appear, before…
Childhood Depression, Adoption and Mental Health
This Childhood Depression, Adoption and Mental Health post is the 3rd blog post in my series inspired by the NACAC conference last week and the stories shared, as well as the expert speakers. Recently, I spoke about advocating as a parent at the NACAC conference for adoptive parents and children. NACAC stands for North American Council for Adoptable Children. The opriganizatinos provides resources for children, youth and families going through the adoption process. Also, they typically have an annual conference. Advocacy is not optional in my world. It is where I spend a huge amount of my time and resources. As you know, our children are adopted and have some…