The Best Peach Recipes For Summer
Is there anything sweeter than a peach? Yes there is – a great peach recipe. I think you might find some sweet and really creative peach recipes for summer here. I am so making the Olive Garden Peach Tea Copycat recipe the first chance I get. By the way did you know? [tweetthis]DYK the peach tree originated in China? [/tweetthis] Five Facts About Peaches: 1. The peach tree originated in China. 2. The peach tree is deciduous. [tweetthis]Is a peach tree deciduous or coniferous? Read more about peaches here..[/tweetthis] 3. Peaches and nectarines are the same species. Peaches have fuzz on their skin and nectarines do not. Nectarines are considered to…