25 Must Have Puzzles
Are you a puzzle fan? We are too. My one daughter and husband love to do puzzles. 25 Must Have Puzzles My youngest daughter is a puzzle fanatic. From the time she was a toddler we would gift her puzzles and she would effortlessly put them together. It was a captivating thing to witness. My youngest child has special needs. She was born with sensory processing disorder and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and she struggles with a lot of things. Reading came slowly, but she gradually caught up. She ran almost before she walked and she still has a lot of sensory issues related to the prenatal alcohol exposure. I…
The Newest Mystery Case Files App and Computer Game – Dire Grove, Sacred Grove
Dire Grove has been plunged into a deadly cold spell and wild animals threaten you at every turn. How will you find the mystery objects, place clues together to solve puzzles and reveal the mystery of why Dire Grove is coming unglued? That’s the idea at the heart of Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove. Mystery Case Files is Big Fish Games most successful hidden object adventure game. Mystery Case Files App and Computer Game brings the mystery and the fun back to hidden object adventure games with: Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove, the tenth instalment in this fan favourite. In this version of Mystery Case Files App…