Four Tips to Help Ditch This Annoying Itch #ChurchandDwight
After the winter months, let’s face it we all crave a bit of sun and warm patio weather. But, did you know that yeast infections can occur more frequently in summer months? Yes, you read that right. For many women, the warmer temperature brings an increased risk of the“itch” that nobody likes to talk about – yeast infections. Not so surprisingly, yeast infections affect a lot of women. Approximately five per cent of women experience reoccurring yeast infections (3 to 4 infections in the last year)[1]. And I have met maybe 1-2 women n my life who have never had a yeast infection. But nobody likes to talk about them or…
Period Pain – Natural Ways to Tackle Menstrual Pain
Period pain can be barely noticeable for some and excruciating for others. There might not be a lot you can do about hormone induced moodiness related to monthly cycles, but there are steps to alleviate the pain that comes with your period. If you want to relieve period pain naturally, you’ve come to the right place. If you have teenage girls, you might them to get a handle on monthly pain management early. So, read on to find out how to help ease pain without medication. Period Pain Relief the Natural Way Many people take medication to help alleviate menstrual cramps. I used to have endometriosis, a disease where the lining grows…
Your Period and How Travel Affects It #travel
Your period is a normal function of your body. How your reproductive system is functioning can be an indicator of a bigger health issue. So it’s natural to be concerned if your very regular cycle is sometimes thrown into chaotic late, or abnormal heavy or even extreme light flow. Of course the first thing you wonder if your cycle changes or a period ceases to happen, is whether you are pregnant. But you might also start wondering if you have an illness. The truth is that if your period is late or you missed it all together while traveling, it’s probably JUST the traveling. Your Period and Travel There are lots of different ways…
Part 1: Seven Facts About Egg Freezing
This past month several technology companies made significant announcements about egg freezing and fertility treatments. Apple and Facebook policies have created a lot of buzz in the fertility and infertility world. In this day and age when 1 in 6 face infertility, egg freezing facts should be part of your conversation with a doctor. First Modern Family star Sophia Vergara disclosed her intention to freeze her eggs. Then massive high tech companies like Apple and Facebook said they would chip in to help cover the cost of egg freezing, a procedure that provides a means of preserving a woman’s fertility. Technology Companies Driving Fertility Conversation Apple and Facebook recently both declared they would cover…
Helping Your Daughter Prepare for her Period
If you are the parent of a daughter over the age of 9 then you need to be having some period conversations regularly so she knows what to expect. Now there’s a product that can help facilitate the talk, and prepare your daughter for menstruation. If you are the parent of a tween girl, chances are good you know this familiar scene. One minute she’s the sweet little girl you know and love and the next minute she’s consumed by mood swings, dramatic shrieks and slamming doors. It’s enough to make your head spin. I’ve come to view these tempestuous mood swings as nature’s warning signs on the path of growing…