National Geographic Kids Weird But True – A Perfect Christmas Gift
I received product from Moms Meet for consideration here. My opinion is my own. National Geographic Kids Weird But True! is a series of books tailor-made to get kids excited about learning. As you all know, I love to give gifts that promote learning for birthdays and holidays. Whether books, games, or puzzles; I’m always on the lookout for gifts that make learning fun and exciting. That’s why I love the National Geographic Kids Weird But True! series. Their books are full of fun facts that get kids excited about learning and exploring. They make a perfect gift for the holidays or birthdays. Why I love National Geographic Kids Weird But…
Halloween Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
Halloween facts you probably didn’t know are the focus today. We all know that Halloween is a night of dressing up and tromping around the neighborhood for sugary treats that will cause our children to become raving lunatics. But do we know any more than that? Well, you will after you read this! Get ready from some Halloween facts that will blow your mind! Halloween Facts – Fun and Interesting All Hallow’s Eve Trivia So let’s get into it. Halloween hasn’t always been about candy. Well, it has, but it hasn’t always been about JUST candy. It actually has a long, storied history that most of us don’t know. Halloween…