Teleflora Peanuts Bouquet – Bring The Perfect Hostess Gift #TMMGG2015
Are you heading off to visit someone for the holidays? Christmas or New Years, or anywhere in between? Have you given any thought to what to gift your host or hostess yet? Do you need a little festive decorating touch for your home? Well, luckily Teleflora Peanuts bouquets can help you with that.
I am a fan of flowers. I enjoy giving them and receiving them and I really enjoy buying them for myself. Well, actually I enjoy buying them for the entire family, and for my home. People often say – “Well we used to do that, but flowers die, so we decided to give something else.” I get that, I really do. I understand practical, but I fancy flowers nonetheless. In my home, flowers are welcome and often purchased weekly with purpose, when I buy my groceries. There are so many reasons I buy flowers and give them too. Because I love them. Because they beautify the world around me. Because they make me happy. Because they make other people happy. Because they cheer my daughters up too. Because in the fall and winter when the flowers die outside I love the hit of colour and life inside my house. Flowers brings me happiness. Forget practicality. Give me colour and happiness and life.
When this gorgeous Teleflora Peanuts bouquet arrived here I was thrilled. The Peanuts Teleflora bouquet is whimsical and festive and really pretty. Plus this one comes with a keepsake cookie jar. Your kids will love that. Keep it for Christmases in the future or use it year round. If you need a hostess gift fast this is the way to go. Not only will the host or hostess love this adorable and nostalgic Peanuts Teleflora bouquet, but they will also then have a lasting reminder of the gift when the flowers are no longer living.
Gardening and flowers have strong healing properties. That’s something many gardeners are attuned to, so for me flowers are an investment in my surroundings and my family’s mental health. Did you know that Telefora is the world’s leading floral distributor? This year they celebrate the 50th anniversary of A Charlie Brown Christmas with these special themed bouquets. For gifting, decorating or entertaining each of these Peanuts Teleflora bouquets are individually and lovingly arranged by professional local florists.
The 2015 Peanuts Teleflora Bouquets include:
The one I received Snoopy’s Cookie Jar ($59.95)
Rich red and white blooms compete with greens, pinecones and holiday ornaments. Snoopy’s cookie jar is FDA approved to be saved and reused as a cookie container or even a dog cookie container for years to come.
The second one is a Peanuts Teleflora Christmas Mug ($49.95)
Rich red and white blooms surrounded by greenery and peppered with red ornaments. The mug is ideal for hot chocolate long after the blooms and Christmas have been enjoyed. The scenery handprinted onto this keepsake mug harkens back to the opening scenes of a Charlie Brown Christmas.
Teleflora can help you come up with the perfect gift for every character in your life. This season, Teleflora joins Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang in celebrating the 50th anniversary of one of the most beloved holiday favorites of all time, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, pays tribute to Charles Schulz’s unforgettable TV special with two exclusive floral bouquets and a festive lineup that is sure to delight everyone on your holiday list.
“Christmas time is here. Happiness and cheer.”
The PEANUTS characters and related intellectual property are owned by Peanuts Worldwide LLC. Teleflora brings together the time-honored tradition of sending flowers with the modern benefits of an advanced florist network. By tapping over 13,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist—even if that neighborhood is across the country.
All of these lovely gifts are sue to please and are available at Teleflora.com.
I received product for purposes of this post. My opinion is all my own.
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