
The #LinkedMOMs chat is Frighteningly Good Tonight #Kindermom

great on line networking chats
Lions and Tigers and Goblins and Ghosts! It’s almost time for Halloween and since today is Wednesday you know what that means. Time for the #LinkedMOMs chat.
Chat time is same as always – same bat time and same bat channel as they say on the telly! I have affected a British accent for tonight’s chat. I shall be drinking a spot of tea at same time as we are all atwitter on twitter. Get it?!
Alright enough punny business. Join us tonight to find out what we are upto this week. And let’s all share our favourite pins for Halloween. Favourite costumes and treats are all up for discussion too. Also do you have any super fun decorations or crafts to share? Then bring them with you to our virtual chat.
So follow us @downshiftingPRO and @inkscrblr and @linkedmoms of course and find us at 8 p.m. EST chatting up a storm with all the fabulous Moms and Dads out there who enjoy this super fun creative time of the year.
Happy Halloween! Mwahahaha…Check out my favourite frightful pin today…
This year I get to give these out again! Yay! I am a #KinderMOM for the third year? Whhhhhhaaat..three years holy smokes.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.

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