Twitter Parties
I cohost twitter chats and parties many Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. EST with business partner and organizing guru Margarita Ibbott. Together, we are #LinkedMoms. Chats are topical, timely, and have included subjects such as: Advocating for your special needs child, Pinterest, Bullying, Best practices on Linked In, Books and even, How to blog effectively. Recent brand sponsored chats have included: Kisko Freezies and Staples Canada. We have also organized many impactful twitter parties with clients such as EEVA BC, Generations of Hope and Conceivable Dreams. Lately we are also seeing many beauty brands, health issues and brands and travel destinations seeking more information about how to do this well. We generate buzz fast and provide organized, measured results for our clients. Twitter parties are extremely impactful and they are a beautiful opportunity to have a conversation directly with your audience!
We have various twitter party packages. We take care of all the details and we generate significant pre-party buzz which is something many other party throwers forget to do.
Ask me how you can sponsor prizes or take part in a chat. We have different levels of sponsorship depending on your wishes. Sponsor prizes, sponsor an entire party, or a series of parties. Your customers are on line, and so are your brand advocates, so why aren’t you right there with them integrating social media 24/7?
Occasionally we are also called on to cohost a twitter chat or party.
We can drive millions of impressions to your brand, issue, event or cause. That’s invaluable buzz.
Case Studies provided if necessary.
For more information, or a quote, email: Paula Schuck at –