A Mother’s Arms #WordlessWednesday
My daughter Payton took this picture of me with Ainsley. It makes me happy because this was the day we were heading to see Katy Perry in Ottawa. It was our girl’s week in Montreal and Ottawa, right before the kids went to camp. It was also a reminder that your arms are never empty when you are a mother. That is one of life’s biggest blessings.

Randa Derkson
I love it when my little guy seeks comfort in my arms 🙂
Deborah Coombs
So very special!
Shayna Murray
Very true words 🙂
Absolutely! Now I want to go hug my kids. 🙂
Jaymi Fillier
That quote is so true, i still, at thirty, find comfort in my mom, and I hope that my children will always come to me when they need comforting as well. Beautiful post, thank you.
so very true! What a lovely photo, and great memories for you and your girls!
Margarita Ibbott
Two of my favourite people of all time…HUGS… M.
Jennifer Van Huss
LOVE LOVE LOVE this quote!