
Mental and physical health are both important components to wellness and whole body health. Better health is a goal to work towards over the course of a lifetime. This section of Thrifty Mommas Tips explores issues such as child poverty, infertility and disability. With a heavy focus on women's and children's health issues, you will find content about rare eye disease, infertility and invisible brain injuries. Health care advocacy is also discussed in this section. Learn how to advocate effectively for your child or parent within the health care and education systems. Caregiving is exhausting and rewarding work. I have several tools for supporting your child at camp, home, school and in after school activities. There's nothing simple about achieving or maintaining wellness. But knowledge is the key to making smart choices. Knowledge aids in building better health for you and your family. As a child diagnosed with the inflammatory bowel disorder, Crohn's disease, I have over 30 years of experience navigating systems and experts. All of that experience comes into play here as I share how I have learned to live with a chronic illness and chronic pain. In this health section of Thrifty Mommas Tips, there is heavy concentration of topics like anxiety disorder, Crohn's disease, infertility, in vitro fertilization and FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder).  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also crops up from time to time. Use this section to increase your knowledge and arm yourself with tools to feel better and live with intention.