
Dear Mannerless Mommy:

Dear Mannerless Mommy:
Dear mannerless Mommy who butted in front of me in line this morning as I was dropping my child off for her first morning of day camp. Yes, that’s right I am talking to you! You know who you are, you are the one who shows up always hurried – and that’s okay I get it I do really – I am often also very hurried too. However, I generally do not cut in line in front of everyone else as if I am in fact the centre of the universe and must be first everywhere. I would really like you to know that yes it was rude. And other parents were watching as were their children. And oh I did hear you say you had to get your second child to a camp somewhere else, a different camp or appointment in 15 minutes. As a matter of fact so did I. And I am pretty sure there were about 10 other families also inconvenienced by your rudeness. But you wouldn’t know that.
I would like you to know that my children watched you as did so many others and while I chose to wait in line, follow the rules, proper etiquette and show manners, courtesy, respect for other people, your children watched as you disregarded all of these. This morning my children learned lessons of patience and respect. Yours learned what exactly? Normally I would not even care that much, but frankly your children, all of our children have to share a world together this week in day camp and beyond that they will grow into adults who share this planet, perhaps even this city and I would be absolutely not surprised at all if they grow up to show the same disrespect towards my children as you did to me today. So you see now why I had to say something?

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.