Four Surefire Signs of Spring With Printable
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Once the snow clears it’s pretty easy to identify signs of spring at my house. One child gets spring fever and starts behaving a little off the wall. And at least two of us start sniffling and sneezing. That’s what happened this year when we had that rainy period of time in February. Not a fan of an early thaw for a few reasons. Chief among those – spring allergies.
Most of us can identify the subtle signs of spring – birds chirping, longer days and blooming flowers. The warmer weather signifies a fresh start with more time outdoors, bringing your garden back to life, and of course, spring cleaning! While these telltale signs are positive for the most part, it’s common to feel unprepared when the new season comes quickly.
Four Signs of Spring
Here are a few things that signify spring is around the corner, with tips for a smooth transition:
- Your eyes, nose, and skin… are itchy. Unfortunately, for many this time of year is better known as allergy season. When there aren’t enough tissues to keep your nose from running, it’s time to break out some serious allergy relief. Aerius tablets are clinically proven to relieve 15 different allergy symptoms for up to 24 hours. Have your hiking buddies started to call you our for sneezing constantly? Try Claritin Rapid Dissolve for fast 24-hour relief of your indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms. We used Aerius all last allergy season for my teenage daughter and it worked well. The tablet dissolves instantly on the tongue, with no water needed – perfect for on the go!
- It’s raining a lot. We’ve moved on from the snowy weather but now it’s time to welcome the rain. While it’s nice to look at from the right side of a window, there’s nothing worse than getting unexpectedly soaked. Invest in a travel-sized, lightweight umbrella you can fit in your bag for those sporadic rainy days. Spring is known for its rain, it doesn’t have to be known for bad hair days too!
- It’s time to pack away those winter boots. Over the winter many of us get lazy from spending our time indoors and avoiding the cold weather. Now that spring is here it’s time to step into your spring shoes and get more active! Stroll comfortably this spring with Scholl’s Massaging Gel Insoles for all-day comfort, so you can take advantage of the warmer weather without getting tired feet. If you’re starting from scratch, start slow by increasing your steps. Make a list of things in the area you’d like to visit on foot so you have it handy when you’re looking for a fun weekend activity.
- You’re due for a thorough spring cleaning. It’s time to open those windows and freshen up your home. While you tidy up, set aside lightly used items that you no longer need. There’s no better feeling than reducing clutter and helping those in need while you do it!
I thought this season was time to experiment with making a few new word search printables for readers too. So here’s a spring showers word search.
Right click the link above and print it out for your own use or click on the PDF below for a cleaner version.
My Word Search – Spring Showers
Spring is the light at the end of the winter tunnel and with a little preparation your transition into the new season will be seamless! What are a few of your favourite signs of spring and how do you get prepared for the new season?
You might also be interested in this post about childhood childhood allergies.
This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.

Our allergies often bother us, but especially so in the spring of the year. I always have a stock of Aerius and Claritin on standby in our medicine cabinet and also carry a supply in my purse.
The rains haven’t come yet. Allergies are just starting to come on so will be using this to help with our itching and watery eyes. We have switched out snow boots for mud boots. We still love Spring.
I am SOOOO happy spring is here (even if allergies start up). I LOVE spring it is the best time of year. It’s not too warm yet and everything is blooming!
Tomi c
The itchy eyes have started. Winter is still hanging around but we’re having a Win-Spring of sorts. On another note, I love my Scholl’s Massaging Gel Insoles. I have a pair in my tennies and my heels. So comforting.
My son is already sneezy thanks to the pollen coming back! No rain yet but I know it’s coming soon. Thanks for the printable.
I am so ready for spring! We are expecting more snow this week and our March break starts tomorrow. I know allergies will start, but I am prepared. Thanks for the tips
Amber Myers
Ugh, I do need to spring clean. I’m being lazy about it. But the weather is slowly turning warmer! My husband has allergies so I’ll have to get him some Claritin.
We start to warm up just a bit and then the next day we are back to cold and miserable. I keep waiting for spring but it isn’t here yet.
Joely Smith
I love word searches! I have started on my spring cleaning and am getting the tools out of the shed for planting! I don’t mind the storms here and there but we are in tornado alley so some of them are scary! I do use Dr. Scholls too! They sure help!
I always love Spring, but the seasonal allergies are pretty brutal. It has never effected me but two of my kids get affected by it every years. I try to stay on top of their symptoms so we can enjoy the warmer temperature.
It’s funny because we don’t really have seasons here… so we never really see a season change. I do love Spring fashions though.
Carol Cassara
That is really awesome. I cannot wait any longer for Spring to arrive! It’s one of my favorite season, especially with all the fresh produce available! We have to make sure that we’re geared up for the allergies that come with Spring though. Aerius and claritin is awesome!
I can’t wait for Spring to come, I am so tired of this snow. Although we only have 4 more days left, according to the weather channel we still have snow days coming next week!
Sandy N Vyjay
The spring fever has us in thrall. There are sneezes all around the house. Flowers are bloominng and yes days are gettting longer. Indeed all signs of spring. The new word search printable looks pretty interesting.
The itching is a for sure sign of Spring around here. We have so much pollen during the spring.
You are spot on with everything on your list. I would also suggest that more daylight and budding plants are a sure sign of Spring as well.
Sara Welch
Oh my word my allergies are going crazy! I know that spring is on its way, but dang!
Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to spring, but not things like spring allergies! Right now we are buried under a lot of snow, but it helps to be prepared.
Jenn Mitchell
I can not wait for the weather to start staying warmer so that we can get outdoors more. These insoles are going to be much needed!
Anosa Malanga
I couldn’t agree more with the runny nose thing during spring time. I bet many would agree to that. Claritin is also one of my best buddy during this season.