Great Swim Training Gear by Finis
Pool weather is here finally and Finis has the best swim training gear for performance. This summer we are using Finis swim training gear to help take our swimming to the next level. We’re working on building endurance and having fun too.
This weekend I got I back from my trip to Indian River and Martin County, Florida and my pool was finally back to normal. We were getting kind of impatient waiting for the liner to be done and the lights to be updated and the stairs had some work too.
[tweetthis]Finis has all the swim training gear you need to build your swim skills and improve your stroke.[/tweetthis]
Thankfully while I was away it was completed and now we are back swimming almost every day. Not a moment too soon. Today was 28 degrees! This weekend is supposed to be 30 degrees Celsius. Perfect time to get using the Finis swim training gear. Great swim gear is a bit hard to find. I mean there’s all kinds of cheap, disposable gear but good quality is harder to find.
We all enjoy the pool and we swim all summer long. My kids do swim lessons and have done that for years, actually from the time they were babies in my arms. My husband and younger daughter are pretty serious swimmers. The thing they both struggle with is endurance. They can do lots of laps, but need to improve their breathing. This year we have the right swim gear, including swim paddles, swim goggles and nose plugs, to take it to the next level.
Finis swim training gear has numerous options to extend your performance. This year we are using Finis swim googles, swim paddles, snorkel and head gear for swimmers too. We also have a Finis underwater MP3 player to help block out the rest of the world and enjoy the time spent in the water exercising.
The snorkel helps to boost better breathing as we try to build endurance. The goggles are great quality and come in various sizes with anti reflective coating and adjustable straps. My husband has used the paddles a few times to see if they help build a strong stroke.
Great Swimmers Need Great Swim Training Gear
The Finis Duo Underwater MP3 player is pretty cool and fairly easy to use. The music from iTunes transfers easily with drag and drop onto the device. The Finis Duo Underwater MP3 player attaches to your googles and stays in place as you swim. You will want to be sure that you have imported a playlist so you don’t have to stop and press shuffle while you are doing laps.
I received all of these products for consideration here. My opinion is truthful and it is all mine.