How to Create a Fun Winter Scavenger Hunt
A Winter Scavenger hunt is a great way to get outside and have some fun, with social distancing in mind of course. It’s easy to find ways to get and be out of doors when the spring and summer months are here. But winter gets a bad wrap that way.

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Table of Contents
Getting Outside in the Winter
When my kids were small we deliberately hustled them outside even in the winter months. In our yard, we built igloos and raced down the slide on the outdoor climbing structure and treehouse that we had dominating our backyard.
We gathered up all of the winter gear and bundled the little people in our home up. Snowsuits, mittens and warm hats always were nearby in the hall closet and we had a solid fence keeping the kids safe. So, often after dinner we would simply throw all of our warmest clothing on and go play in the snowy backyard.

Our backyard at our old house was amazing. My kids still talk about it to this day. It was spacious and a massive old ash tree stood smack dab in the centre of the yard. The perimeter was lined with cedars that we planted ourselves, providing a natural privacy barrier from the neighbours our back. It was far from fancy, but our yard was perfect for playing with children and ideal for hosting birthday parties too.
Playing Takes Planning Sometimes
When we purchased our Rainbow systems play structure with swings and slide and climbing wall we were thrilled. It was central to our play all year round. Plus, my kitchen had a huge window overlooking the yard so no matter what time of year or how old the kids were we could watch them from the window and know they were safe.
Toys for Outdoors
FYI this is what our outdoor swings and playset looked like…But it was Rainbow. These are sturdy and lasted us for easily 8-10 years. First we had this Step 2 playhouse for the toddlers.
Of course, when my kids were very small I was out there always with them. That one time I left to go in to the bathroom, my two year old broke the back door trying to get in. I was mere feet away going to the washroom for two minutes and yet she couldn’t see me so instant freak out.
Live and Learn
That washroom trip by myself cost $1800. Yes, that was the cost to repair the door so huge lesson learned. My youngest girl could not amuse herself or be on her own. To this day she hates to be by herself.

Anyways, this winter if you are looking for ways to get the kids outside then tempt them with a winter scavenger hunt.
Print out the Winter Scavenger Hunt Sheet Below
Scavenger hunts are super easy and fun. All you need are pencils, erasers, clipboards and some good warm clothing and you are set. If you haven’t seen this indoor scavenger hunt then print one off for later and use on a snowy or rainy afternoon.

Have Fun with Your Family This Winter
This is a simple activity that can create a lot of fun memories for your kids. My girls are teenagers now and they both still recall fondly all of the winter nights we played outside in the yard, or strolled down the street with clipboards and scavenger hunts.
I occasionally motivated them with a treat along the way. But, you can also get your steps in too. Not a bad way to spend an hour after dinner!
Don’t Forget These
Check out my recommendations for supplies that you can stock up on and then get outside and have fun together.

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