
How to Delete Facebook Accounts

Delete Facebook? Are you ready to get rid of Facebook? I’m not deleting any of my accounts, and I am not advocating this approach for clients. BUT, many people are considering dropping Facebook after the Cambridge Analytics scandal. You can always deactivate your account if you just need a break. Then no one will see your account and it will be as if you deleted it, but your data won’t go anywhere and you can still come back when you want to.

But what if you’re ready to cut all the ties for good? What if security and privacy concerns are leading you to move away from Facebook permanently? There are options for you if you want to delete Facebook for good. It’s now easier than ever before to do.


This is a permanent deletion not just the deactivation that allows you to log back into the account whenever you want in order to reactivate it. You will not be able to hit the “forgot password” option and get back into the account that way. There will be no option available, the account will be gone forever. So before you delete Facebook be certain that’s an action you can live with in future.


How to Delete Your Facebook Account for Good


All you need to do is push a few buttons and the entire account will be deleted for you. It is a good idea to download your data if there are things in the account you are certain you can’t live without or you’re like most of us and the only copy is on Facebook.

To permanently delete your Facebook account:

  • Head to Facebook’s Delete Account page
  • Select Delete My Account

That’s it! Easy Peasy. But give this some thought before resorting to drastic action.

Many people no longer backup and save their data like images and posts the way they would have before Facebook. Why would you when it’s all right there in one neat place for you? However, if you’re going to delete Facebook, you’re probably going to want to save those things first – at least the important things. Depending on how much you have uploaded to your account, this could be a big project.

While it can take up to three months for Facebook to remove everything such as photos, shared updates and whatever else the system backed up in their servers, no one will be able to see the account. It no longer exists to anyone on your friends list, not even as a deactivated account.


Delete Facebook?

See it’s easy not to be a prisoner to social media. Once you make the decision to delete Facebook you can easily have your account gone from Facebook forever. The messages that you sent are another story. Your friends could still have the messages that you sent each other. Posts other people made and tagged you in will still exist. The same thing goes for the pictures other people posted of you. People can always screenshot things. So what is posted online can live forever, but your account doesn’t have to.

More Social Media Content and Advice Here:

If you need social media content, social media strategy or management then you should connect with me over at Thrifty Mom Media.


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Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.