Little Turkeys Penne With Cheese #GayleaMom
I hate to tell you this. Maybe it’s just my kids. Maybe it’s just my house. But my littles used to eat amazingly well. They were rockstars at vegetables and dinner and lunch. I rarely worried. Then they hit double digits, ten and up, and they developed sudden fussiness. It’s infuriating! I make a great dinner and they say – “Um, could I please just make a peanut butter sandwich?” Or “Too spicy!” My one child exists on peanut butter and pizza. Not together of course.
Occasionally I stumble upon a recipe the kids love that keeps us all happy at dinner. This year I have also experimented with a few recipes that have been big hits here. When that happens I make enough to last for a couple of days. One thing my kids are getting better at is taking dinner for lunch. My husband has always been great about that. But both of my kids, who are school aged, now enjoy taking leftovers maybe once a week to school. That makes my job easier and it makes me feel good about sending them off with a packed lunch. They have access to a microwave in one of the rooms at school so they are able to warm meals packed in a thermos up. This week I wanted to make something new with Gay Lea Nordica cottage cheese. We have used Nordica cottage cheese in many recipes. I know my kids like it and it’s a good hit of protein hidden in their meal too.
[tweetthis]Nordica cottage cheese adds a good hit of protein to lunch or dinner #GayLeaMom[/tweetthis]
So I made something new…..
With noodles, a bit of butter to make sure things don’t stick and some cottage cheese and cheddar too. Then I added some turkey for good measure. I think you could swap it out for tuna if you really wanted. One of my daughters has fallen hard for a tuna casserole I make, so I figured this fresh turkey from the store without nitrates or preservatives (thank you, Sunripe) would be healthy, full of protein and tasty too.
Cottage cheese is way more versatile than I ever realized. I have seen many GayLea Moms make cottage cheese recipes that are spectacular and even smoothies with Nordica cottage cheese and that is astonishing to me. How clever! Also of course you can make desserts that rock with cottage cheese. But this recipe – Kid Approved Little Turkeys Penne with Cheese is good for both dinner and lunch. That’s a timesaver for me as a busy mom and for my kids, who are busy girls too.
[tweetthis]Cottage cheese is way more versatile than you realize #GayLeaMom[/tweetthis]

Little Turkeys Penne With Cheese and Leftovers for Lunch #GayleaMom
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup of water
- 1 bag of penne noodles choose whole wheat for healthier option. We only had the regular pasta in stock
- one cup of shaved cooked turkey chopped or ripped into small bits. we bought some without any preservatives and nitrates at Sunripe in London You could substitute tuna if the kids like that too.
- one cup of shredded cheddar cheese
- one cup of water.
- one TBSP of Gay Lea butter
- One 500 ml container of Gay Lea Nordica cottage cheese
- Boil noodles and drain.
- Use the butter to grease a casserole dish so this baked dish doesn't stick.
- Beat 2 eggs together, add water.
- Put the noodles in the pan.
- Stir in the cottage cheese until the noodles are covered.
- Add the turkey.
- Mix in the egg mixture.
- Add the cheddar cheese.
- Mix all together. Cover with foil and place in the oven.
- I did not add any salt or pepper or seasoning because I am on low sodium diet and my kids like their food really not spicy.
- Bake for 30 minutes.
- To serve shred a small amount of cheddar on top of the entire casserole dish. Scoop it out and it should come out in almost a neat little square because of the egg.
- As I noted my kids like theirs tame.
- But for the adults here's what I would do next time.
- (Add a drop or two of hot sauce right on top)
- Because you can scoop it out almost in a square like a piece of lasagne this will bundle up nicely for transportation in your kid's lunch.
Nordica cottage Cheese goes with all of your favourites, from fruit to pasta. It is low in fat and has many healthy benefits, including calcium,Vitamin D and protein. I love that they have a line that is lactose free.
[tweetthis]Nordica cottage cheese is low in fat. #GayLeaMom[/tweetthis]
Nordica Cottage Cheese is also:
• Gluten and nut free
• Certified Kosher
• Available in Fat Free, 1%, 2%, 4% and Lactose Free
• Available in On-the-Go containers in Plain 1%, Summer Berry & peach
[tweetthis]Nordica cottage cheese is available in Fat Free, 1%, 2%, 4% and Lactose Free #GayLeaMom[/tweetthis]
I also really love sending the small individually packaged single serving cottage cheese cups to school. They are healthy and delicious and my older daughter really loves them. The on the go sized cottage cheese containers in plain 1 % are a staple on my grocery list.
Single serves are perfect for Moms on the run. Grab a spoon and go.
This recipe is kid approved. My daughter thought up the name because she is funny and creative. Just like the game Nordi-cows. Nordi-Cows is an interactive game on Gay Lea’s Facebook page. To participate, visit the Gay Lea Facebook page to pick your favourite cow and milk her twice a day.
You can also sign up for the Gay Lea newsletter to receive special offers and recipes too. Sign up here: http://www.gaylea.com/news-views/newsletter
Gay Lea has a host of great products. Visit their web site to learn more.
You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter. Right now I am excited about their Gay Lea Foods summer recipes Pinterest board too.
You can see some of my other Gay Lea Foods recipes here:
and Individual Mini Coffee cakes
I am a Gay Lea Mom working with Gay Lea and Influencer Central and as such I am compensated. My opinion is all my own.
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Jenna Austin
Great post! Very interesting.
rachel cartucci
That looks good and easy enough for me to attempt. Thanks!
Sue M.
This looks like a delicious recipe and easy to make, I’ll have to try this one, thanks for posting!
I like cottage cheese. Turkey, not at all. I like the idea of cooking with cottage cheese. I’ve used it in lasagna.
Dale hunsberger
I love cottage cheese! And. I love this recipe! If you have more, please share,
Jennifer P
Thank you for the delicious recipe! I now know what is for dinner tonight!! YAY no trying to figure out what everyone will like for an hour before making it 😀
Kristin Knudsen
I am sooo picky…that the only thing I like about this dish, is the penne noodles! I am a “Super-taster”, and if the texture doesn’t work with my mouth, I get sick!!! I imagine that everyone else here would really enjoy this dish. But, it’s not for me.
This looks delicious. I’m going to have to try this recipe. Thanks for posting
Kortney Picker
This looks great and so easy to make! It would be a great way to get my daughters to eat turkey!
Pamela Gurganus
This looks and sounds absolutely delicious! I love that it’s also a healthier option than say full on mac and cheese. I’m looking forward to trying this…my entire family loves cottage cheese. Thank you for sharing!
laurie damrose
I have made recipes like this looks good.
Sarah L
This looks yummy and easy. I can see why your family likes it.
This recipe looks easy enough that even I can make!!
We are always looking for different ways to prepare leftover turkey!
Carol L
My grandkids would love this. They are so picky. It looks delicious. Kudos that your daughter likes cottage cheese. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Carol L
Lisa Ward
This looks amazing and delicious. . Also an easy recipe to boot !! Will definitely be trying.. thanks
Maria Luan Hechanova
I love foods..
Karen Glatt
This recipe looks so delicious and fun to make. I want to make this recipe and see how it tastes. A great dish for Sunday dinner. thanks for sharing.
Ashley C
This looks delicious and definitely like something that would meet the seal of approval in my house! Looks like this may be dinner in the near future!
Elena Vo
Mmmmm look at all that cheese! Cheese, cheese, cheese. Best when eaten with cheese and more cheese. 🙂
Rosanne Morrison
It’s a combination I would have never thought of.
Rita Corey
I like this recipe. My daughter is vegetarian so I’m always looking for non-meat sources of protein. I’ll be trying to add cottage cheese to more of my dishes. I wonder if I put it through the blender could I use it to make salad dressing… hmmm
Sherry Compton
Haven’t heard of this cottage cheese but I bet it makes this rich and creamy. Cheese and more cheese…yum!
Debbie Welchert
This recipe sounds and looks delicious. It would be a great recipe to make for my grandchildren some night. I know they would love it.
Linda Poplees
Great recipe. Looks so delicious and very easy to make. I will have to try it.
Sandra Watts
I use cottage cheese a lot in recipes. It is very easy to use, lowfat and tastes great.
Kim Hampton
This sounds amazing! I wish my daughter had access to a microwave at school. It would make packing her lunches a whole lot easier!
Jerry Marquardt
This recipe looked so good, I copied it down. I am due to make this this coming weekend. I thank you for the share.
Cathy French
Its always a struggle to get my boyfriend to eat and enjoy pasta dinners. He is the pickiest eater ever. This recipe, however, would be something I know he would like.
This looks delicious, I cannot wait to give it a try. I have not had cottage cheese in such a long time. Thank you for sharing this review.