Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.


  • Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom

    Hi Paula!

    You know what, I have the same thoughts actually, when I wake up! It helps to know what day it is, as that determines what I need to do next.

    It sure is pretty where you are!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  • AnnMarie Brown

    Definitely had a great weekend this weekend and now I know where the swing is you are sitting on. Looks like mommy likes the swing as well as A does.

    BTW… I thought you would be a speed typer … not sure why but I just thought that.

  • Parenting Patch

    Agreed! The desire to sleep longer is definitely in the back of my mind most mornings, especially since I am nursing my baby multiple times at night and do not get to sleep without being woken at least two or three times!