Fighting Allergies in Our Home with Oreck Tru Response
Fighting allergies all year round can be a challenge. Between outdoor allergens in the warm months, and year-round indoor allergens, my family is on constant guard against the allergies we all have. That’s right, every single person in our house suffers from allergies. We get it all – itchy eyes, runny noses, persistent cough, scratchy throats, the whole bit. That’s why I’m excited about our new Oreck Tru Response air purifier. It helps us fight allergies in our homes year round. Fighting Allergies All Day Every Day The thing I love about our air purifier is that it’s on constant duty, pulling the allergens out of the air in our…
ORECK DualMax™ Air Purifier – My Allergy Season Secret Weapon #Giveaway ARV $600
Something brand new and amazing has taken up residence in my bedroom. OH, don’t panic. This is a family friendly site. The sleek Energy Star qualified, Air 16 Oreck DualMax™ Air Purifier with Truman Cell Filtration System has found a home in our master bedroom and it’s helping to clean the air in my house. My husband has brutal allergies this time of year and he’s been stuffed up for weeks already. His allergies flare in Spring and are brutal again in the Fall months too. You know the kind I mean? He has the close all the windows, leave the shoes at the door and clean the floors daily, kind of…