Family Friendly Entertainment with Wind at My Back #TMMGG16
Family friendly entertainment is important to me. I know my kids see and hear things out in the world that I have no control over. But at home, I want to make sure that the shows we watch are pretty wholesome. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not All PG, All The Time. We’ll watch Marvel movies and on my own I watch The Walking Dead. But when we watch together, family friendly entertainment is the rule. Family Friendly TV – Wind at My Back This Holiday Season why not give a gift set of one of the most family friendly shows that’s ever aired here in Canada? Wind at My…
Madame Picasso Paris 3 DVD Prize Pack Worth $75
(When this book arrived here late in August you can imagine the kid’s comments.) Madame Picasso is a pageturner and a well written tale that is thoroughly enjoyable. I haven’t had a lot of time lately to read or review books here. Time has been at a premium, but the moment I picked this one up and read the first line, well that was it. Anne Girard is a skillful storyteller and she weaves a truly captivating story here. It is rare that I am drawn in by a character instantly. Eva Gouel is memorable and charming and a character you empathize with immediately. That’s exactly what I want from…