25 Healthy Homemade Granola Recipes
I am not a crunchy granola Mom, but I do like to have options. And I really love having different healthy homemade breakfast and lunch recipes available to my family. Each of the members of my family love granola. So, I occasionally try to add it to their meals, or create something new for them with this great ingredient. These are 25 of my favourite healthy homemade granola recipes. The top of this list os Peanut Butter Granola from Bunny’s Warm Oven. My youngest daughter is the world’s biggest peanut butter fan. Combining peanut butter and granola will make her ridiculously happy. These two are bound to be huge hits…
Kid Approved Cranberry Granola Squares
Earlier this year I was in the mood to experiment with granola recipes. Typically, the bulk food store near my house gets a lot of activity from my family. The range of foods there inspires me to bake and be creative in the kitchen. The kids love granola and they also love to help bake. Sometimes I take them with me to the bulk food store and I tell them they can pick one treat. Often one daughter picks a dry granola kind of mix with some Smarties or something chocolate thrown in for a pinch of sweet. I decided that we would make our own granola squares one day…