10 Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis Now!
How to Prevent Osteoporosis post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. According to the American Orthopaedic Association, more than 30 million Americans have a pronounced risk for developing osteoporosis, or low bone density. So, learning how to prevent osteoporosis should be top of mind for many people. Although women over the age of 65 are more likely to develop osteoporosis, this serious health problem affects men as well, and impacts nearly 10 million adults in the United States. In Canada, those statistics are also high. Two million Canadians are affected by osteoporosis. An estimated 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer an osteoporotic…
Lifeway Kefir Low Fat Cultured Milk Smoothie Drink
So what exactly is Kefir? Kefir is a smooth version of drinkable yogurt packed with protein. It is essentially a cousin of yogurt with roots that go back to Europe over 2000 years ago. It is jam packed with probiotics which is why I wanted to try it. The taste is a bit tart, almost sour. It takes a bit of getting used to actually. My kids love drinkable yogurt and one of them found this strawberry flavoured cultured milk smoothie to be a bit sour. I have a sour streak, or should I say, a love of sour tasting foods so I didn’t mind that. Because I am always…
Turn Your Love of Healthy Foods into a Business You Will Love
Eating healthy for many mothers is a way of life. You may go out of your way to find all of the healthiest foods for you and your family to enjoy even if that means you will end up spending a little more on the groceries. Of course, a little planning can help frugal moms to find healthy foods the whole family will love for about $135 a week, according to the Mayo Clinic. The really good news is all the hard work you put into creating menus and buying groceries for your family can also turn into a full time job. This is possible if you start making and…
Boost Your Child’s Health with Webber Naturals
Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. Any purchase made via the link here results in a small commission for Thrifty Mommas Tips at no extra cost to you. A good vitamin supplement like Treehouse Vitamins from Webber Naturals can be like nutritional insurance for your child. In this neck of the woods, during one of the nastiest cold and flu seasons we’ve witnessed in recent years, insurance is important. My kids eat well, but we lead a very busy active life and sometimes I worry. My youngest, is especially prone to colds, and flu bugs. And she loves to share, so that means if she gets sick…