Self Esteem Booster Craft for Kids Six and Up: In Five Easy Steps
Self esteem is one of the hardest things to build and it can be destroyed so easily it seems. So, when I found this adorable self esteem booster craft recently I was happy to share. Because raising girls is hard work in this decade. I heard a scary fact the other day when we were visiting a new therapist at Child and Adolescent OutPatient Clinic at the local hospital. A new therapist that helps with my daughter’s anxiety told me every single one of the girls she sees feels uncomfortable with their weight. Every. Last. One. No matter if they are healthy, athletic girls, average or curvy girls, slender…
When It Takes A Village – Dove #CelebrateMom
This post is part of YummyMummyClub.ca’s support of the Dove Celebrate Mom contest.I received compensation as a thank you for my participation.This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.You can nominate inspiring moms here: celebratemom.ca In many ways my family is the truth at the heart of that saying It Takes A Village To Raise A Child. It took a village to help us build a family and when we adopted our girls, both as infants, well I knew always that I would seek to find them strong role models to help guide them throughout their lives. I had many. My Mother, a single…