Ten Reasons Harry Potter Movies are the Best to Binge on Right Now.
By Ainsley Schuck
Note from Paula: This Harry Potter movies post is by my daughter Ainsley. We have been Potterheads for years. But, during the pandemic the kids have asked to watch the Harry Potter movies from start to finish repeatedly. So, I have asked them several times why Harry Potter movies right now?
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Table of Contents
Why Harry Potter Movies are Perfect to Binge on Right Now
Near the start of the pandemic the kids were asking to watch Harry Potter movies so often that I finally broke down and bought the boxed set. Oh sure it is available on Netflix and we sometimes watch it there too. But the Harry Potter movies are also mixed so you might only get number 5, 6 and 7 on Netflix and we wanted to be able to watch them in order.

Also, I frankly don’t like giving money to Rogers indefinitely, so why spend more than you have to? The whole series was around $50 and one of the smartest investments we made this entire pandemic. LOL.

WHY We Can’t Get Enough of the Wizarding World
Finally, Ainsley decided to put her love for the Harry Potter movies in words for me here.
The entire creative team from writers, to director, producers and actors made something fictional into a 3-dimensional real story. Huge props for creativity. A wizarding school with a remarkable history and a trip of geeky but amazing main characters. That’s J.K. Rowling’s genius and her story is genuinely compelling.
Stellar Casting
The cast was consistent. Other than one change – Dumbeldore – which was only because the first Dumbledore died, the cast remained consistent throughout the years and the series. It’s easy to get invested in characters and stories when the actors and actresses don’t change. I hate it when main characters in a series are changed suddenly. It is jarring to the audience and to me as well.
Well Written and True to the Books
The writing is tight. They tied the series together perfectly. Each movie leads into the next and they are suspenseful in all of the right spots. Every single new book, and therefore new movie, adds a new character or concept or mission of sorts.
Always Something New
You learn something new every single time you watch the Harry Potter movies. We’ve watched the entire series start to finish maybe six times during the pandemic. It is a perfect world to escape into when life is too much.
It is Addicting and Escapism
It’s strangely addicting for all the reasons above. This is from Payton, Ainsley’s sister: We want to believe there’s a place like Hogwarts right now and that there’s a possibility of getting a Hogwarts letter. More than that, we want to visit and be part of the enchanting destinations that are iconic in the movies. I’d love to see King’s Cross Station for instance. So, the Harry Potter movies and books also inspire us to want to travel again when safe to do so.
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Actors and Actresses
The cast of characters are well rounded, and the actors and actresses are brilliant in every single role. Alan Rickman, Ralph Fiennes, Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe are each extremely talented at what they do. Nobody was more heartbroken than we were when Alan Rickman passed away way too soon.
Radcliffe is a fantastic actor and we follow him on all his social media channels and love that he is so involved in broadway.

Larger than Life
It’s a larger than life series, so it fits the needs of wanting another story. Each complete movie leads right into the next one and that keeps you as a movie watcher or reader forever wanting more. It is suspenseful.
It is Tight and Complete
Harry Potter is a completed story based on the novels and that simply makes it a well told story. There’s no rushing to end a hastily written sequel. They stuck to the script and it works.
Incredible Characters
You can’t help but feel for the characters, especially Harry and Severus Snape as well. The audience connects with the characters. There are heroes and villains and then tragic heroes too. Without spoiling it, let’s just say we love Snape for that.
The Spinoff Merchandise and Books and Rides
They furthered the franchise even after the movies and books ended.

Best Family Movie Series to Watch Now
We all love Harry Potter and will quote the series randomly throughout the day because it makes us happy. At meal time, we often try to recall the various lines as quotes and help each other out when we forget a line.