Work-Life Balance and #Linked Moms Chat Tonight
It’s time to come out. I have started a new adventure and business with my fabulous organizing friend Margarita aka @downshifting_pos. Together, we are #Linkedmoms. Moms who connect other Moms with businesses, brands and communities. We are two extremely seasoned (read: witty and wise) social media practitioners and we have launched a Wednesday night chat at 8 p.m. EST to talk about smart and practical things like work-life balance, time management strategies, organizing your home and life and building relationships. I adore Margarita and she brings a lot to the table. Her personal organizing business is thriving and her separate business of training companies, Linked Learning, on how to use Linked In effectively has recently grown as well. My own social media consultation, blogging/writing business Thriftymommedia and thriftymommastips.com is evolving and expanding sometimes so rapidly it’s hard to reign it all in. (In box sits permanently full at 14,000 emails. Is that bad?) So between the two of us, also parenting kids with some special needs and neurotypical kids too, well we have a lot of balls in the air. I mean, as I type this I am trying to figure out how to be in three places tonight.
Last week our launch went very well and we purposefully chose this month MAY, a month filled with promise and Mother’s Day to kick off our chats. So, tonight I hope you will all join us as we welcome Melissa Dawn Lierman or @timeoutmom who is a social media guru and savvy mompreneur who happens to also be a Mom. Time Out Mom is a marvel and a force to be reckoned with. Honestly my very first interactions with her were several years ago on Twitter, when she helped give excellent advice to me as our family had a miserable personal issue with health of kiddos over the summer. I tweeted out one simple frustrated comment and she helped me solve it. She also directed me to Costco to go get something that would help. It worked and her support was invaluable at that time. @timeoutmom was a quick responder, an early adopter of the social networking mediums and she rapidly helped me Mom to Mom. I loved that. It reinforced for me how amazing this Twitter vehicle could be. So 2-3 years later I have seen Melissa from afar grow her business into a massive and amazing thing that is admirable and quite stunning. She advises many companies and trains many others on social media strategy. Lierman has spoken at over 300 events in the last 10 years across North America. She often speaks about social media, branding and marketing, web site development and search engine optimization. She is, or has been director of social media for many organizations and on line sites such as Mom It Forward, Premier Fitness Camp, ZarBee’s Natural Health Products and the Madow Dental Group.
She has three children and blogs at timeoutmom.com. She has also been on an amazing fitness and nutrition journey over the past two years. She is now a runner and fit #wonderwoman.
Join us tonight at 8 p.m. EST to learn with Melissa Dawn Lierman on #linkedmoms chat. Tweet with the hashtag #linkedmoms and we will try to build our knowledge together.