Chip Trips
Looking for amazing and affordable family travel ideas this summer? Eat more chips. Thriftymomma is on a blog tour with Lay’s Chip Trips this summer and I can hardly wait. The excellent Frito-Lay’s promotion means that every time you buy a bag of Lay’s chips you get a code on the side of the bag. On the top of the bag there are points. Some say 5 and some say 10. Visit http://tiny.cc/7hud0
and sign up for the Lay’s Chip Trips promotion and, no matter where you are in Canada, you can redeem the points for a trip or a voucher for a free kid’s meal at Boston Pizza, half price off the second night of a stay at the Great Wolf Lodge and various other motels. I’ve already sent for a Subway $5 gift card, which cost me 30 points and I can’t wait to use my points for more great trips. Mini golf, Laser tag, waterparks, museums, the CN Tower – the sky is the limit! Rewards kick in for as little as 10 points. So have fun, eat chips and see more of Canada this summer.