Does This Blog Makeover Make Me Look Fat?
Does my new makeover make me look fat?
Just kidding.
I am not one to ask that ever, because I just don’t believe in sharing that silly weight obsessed message with my girls.
Anyways, I had to share my new look with you. I am giddy I tell you, just thrilled that Greg was able to stay true to my ideas and change my logo to reflect health and care-giving as my themes. I asked for a more professional look and I think I got it. I asked him to help me highlight the fact that I am doing a lot of social media consultation now and I think this is just the right amount of professional for me.
Greg can be found at Engine 1 Media. Huge shout out to him. I am very happy.
What do you think?

I think it’s fantastic!!!
Paula Schuck
Thanks Cyn, I am happy.
I love it! Very classy and super business like!
Looks great!
Cheryl Kirkness
Looks great! Bright but not too busy.
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel
Looks great. Love a fun new blog design!
Cheap Is The *New* Classy
Oh, I love it! I have been thinking about getting a blog makeover and I love what work of theirs I have seen. I may have to check them out. I am just worried about how much it will cost!
Very streamline. He did a great job!
CONGRATS on your new blog look! Its amazing!
Looks wonderful! Great job!
Amanda Tippit
It is very white and bright, kind of reminds me of snow. 🙂
Melissa Pezza
It looks great!!!! Love it!
Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen
Love it! Clean, easy to navigate and very professional.
Insane Mamacita
I love it! It does look very professional and user friendly!
LOL! What a awesome post title! Caught my attention! I love the layout, very clean, simple and super easy to navigate. Great job! 🙂