Happy Birthday and Sales
My gorgeous first-born child is nine years old today and that is truly cause to celebrate. To the girl who made us parents: I wish you a happy year full of challenges you can manage, as many hugs as you require, as much love as a heart can hold and as many friends as you need. I hope you will grow healthy and stronger by the day. I hope you will trust that who you are is good enough and then some. This picture is her last day as an eight-year-old spent celebrating Canada Day at Harris Park. This year we will travel to Niagara Falls and have a fun family party thanks partly due to the excellent deals with Lay’s Chip Trips. See http://tiny.cc/7hud0 for more information and to sign up. The excellent price reducation due to the chip trips and points we acquired means that we can afford a lot of fun Niagara Falls activities this year. Hurray!
Today only is Old Navy 30 % off everything and free flip flops for adults.
Shoppers is 20 times the points all weekend long.
M&Ms has yummy Bear Paw burgers for $5.99 for six. MMMM. Happy Holiday Weekend!
One Comment
Sorry I’m late! We all hope she enjoyed her birthday!